She’s so talented! While waiting for the flooding to go down, Jenelle Evans and her family are pretty much stuck inside, but it seems like they’re using their time well! Ensley, for example, is busy learning the drums — and she’s already basically a pro. Okay, okay, so maybe that’s a stretch. But honestly, her banging away at the instruments sounds a lot better than how you would expect a legit one-year-old to sound. Check out the video above to see what we mean. 

Isn’t she kind of amazing? Hard to tell if she’s a prodigy just yet, but hey, you never know! The drums aren’t the only thing Ensley’s been learning lately. Recently, her mom also taught her how to blow kisses to the camera. She was kind of amazing at that, too, nailing it on pretty much the first try. Seems like we’ve quite the little smarty-pants on our hands here! But there’s also a reason why Ensley is nailing so many new skills — there’s just not much else to do. 

jenelle evans' daughter ensley plays during hurricane florence

Photo Credit: Instagram

Hurricane Florence has been more than a headache for Jenelle and her family. Not only has it kept the kids inside, getting anxious and running up their energy, it’s also been difficult for Barbara Evans. Apparently, the storm has made Babara’s house “almost impossible” to get to, and Jenelle’s been sharing her concerns on social media. “Trying to navigate my mom back home right now is almost impossible,” she tweeted. “Roads are flooded everywhere. People are stuck in their towns needing diapers, formula, food, water, etc. I can’t even help because I can’t get to them and our stores are dry of everything.”

Initially, though, Teen Mom fans gave the reality star flack for seemingly not taking the storm seriously enough. It started when she posted a photo of herself in a bikini asking for prayers during the storm. She also didn’t get it when fellow Twitter users called her out. “I don’t get why everyone’s offended by my profile pic I posted yesterday,” Jenelle wrote on Twitter. “I’m in the path of the hurricane, that picture is from months ago while fishing, asking for prayers…what is SO bad or disrespectful about that?” That’s not to even mention how she credited the dangerous weather with making her “skinnier.”

jenelle evans says hurricane florence is making her skinnier

Photo Credit: Twitter

Now that the family realizes how dire this situation is for many people, Jenelle’s own relatives included, we’re glad to see that they’re treating it with a little more respect. Now, we’re just hoping that Babs — and everyone else affected by the storm — continues to stay safe. 

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