Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Schumer have been giving us #FriendshipGoals ever since we learned they’re such good pals — and Sunday night’s Golden Globes ceremony was no exception!

The 25-year-old beat her 34-year-old bestie for Best Actress in a Motion Picture: Comedy, but after a ~secret~ exchange we know this one-up won’t be impacting their friendship.

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amy schumer jennifer lawrence

Amy Schumer and Jennifer Lawrence.

“She said ‘Shut up, just go.’ The whole time before I was like, ‘Do you have an idea of what you want to say in your head? Because they’re gonna call your name, and your whole head’s gonna go blank,’” The Joy star told [Entertainment Tonight](

“And she was like, ‘Shut up, shut up, shut up.’ Then they called my name and she was just being supportive: ‘Just get up there, go.’ I think she said something like that, but I also blacked out,” Jennifer added. “So she could have said, you know, ‘Go f–k yourself’ and I would not have known it.”

RELATED: Jennifer Lawrence Slams Lindsay Lohan — Find Out What She Said

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So happy for our friend.

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JLaw recently praised her newfound BFF in Glamour’s February 2016 issue.

“Amy’s always wanted to live on Martha’s Vineyard, and we saw this house, and we’re like, ‘This is where we’re gonna Grey Gardens, and we’re gonna grow old and crazy together.’ That’s our life plan,” she explained.

We can’t wait to see more of these two in action!