Jeremy Renner celebrated the one-year anniversary of returning home after being in the intensive care unit (ICU) following a near-fatal snowplow accident where he was run over by the vehicle.

“My friend reminded me I got home from ICU a year ago. Lucky man,” Jeremy, 53, wrote in a Monday, January 15, Instagram Story. One hour earlier, he shared a post showing him smiling on a trip to the gym.

“I was reminded that love, good will, hard work and a legion of good humans are getting me through every day … thank you, bless you …. And as always, I hold my promise to be better, be stronger, and grow to surpass potential…. Bless you all,” he told fans in the caption of the snapshot.

On January 1, 2023, Jeremy was using a Snow Cat machine to plow a road on his remote Lake Tahoe, Nevada, ranch when he got out and it accidentally ran over his legs and part of his torso. He was initially hospitalized in critical condition and later revealed he suffered 30 broken bones but was fortunate in that none of his major organs were damaged.

The Hurt Locker star made a remarkable recovery and was able to walk again with the assistance of a cane by April 2023. He told ABC’s Diane Sawyer that month that shortly after the accident he began writing goodbye notes to his friends and family on his phone in case he died, as the extent of his pain and injuries were so severe. “So, I’m writing down notes on my phone, and last words to my family,” Jeremy explained through tears.

By that August, the Rennervations star was back on the dating scene. He met hairdresser Amber Monson at a local club in Reno, Nevada, and the two began hooking up before things became more serious as they started video chatting.

“One text from him says ‘I’ll come get you lover’ with a heart, so yeah I’d say they were romantically involved,” Amber’s younger brother, Dillon Overholt, told The Daily Mail in a January 9 interview, saying he’d been present for some of their video chats.

However, problems arose when Jeremy invited Amber, her mom and some of their friends to his Lake Tahoe home in November 2023, where he allegedly called them “f–king idiots” amid other insults.

Amber has a colorful past, as she’s a felon who stole a state-owned car in Carson City, Nevada, in April 2021, taking it on a high-speed chase which damaged eight other vehicles before coming to a crash.

She pleaded guilty to four felonies, including eluding police, battery with use of a deadly weapon, assault with use of a deadly weapon and possession of a stolen vehicle, and was sentenced to serve between 24 and 60 months in prison, the Carson City District Court clerk told The Daily Mail.

Amber was arrested again in December 2023 in Washoe County, Nevada, on a parole violation but was later released.