If you go by what Jeremy and Audrey Roloff post online, they have the perfect life. They seem head over heels in love, they have a beautiful home, and share an adorable daughter. In the past, Audrey has gushed over her "perfect love story" with Jer, while Jer has insisted he would do anything for the well-being of his relationship. One example he gave was saying goodbye to a female "best friend" because the relationship made Audrey uncomfortable. However, that other woman is now speaking out, and there was certainly more to the story than Jeremy let on! Watch the video above to see photos of Jeremy with Janae!

In a new podcast called The Life of Janae & Friends, Janae K revealed the details of her complex friendship with Jeremy. First of all, he met her after he had broken up with Audrey in late 2011, when he was living in Santa Barbara. She says he was really hung up on his ex and still wanted to be with her, but Janae imagined "ending up with him." They spent almost all of their time together in the summer of 2012, but then he got back with Audrey and was in a long-distance relationship. She says after that, nothing really changed. They were still spending tons of time together, and he was confiding in her and said he felt "magnetically" drawn to her.

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“How strange that we cannot love time. It spoils our loveliest moments. Nothing quite comes up to expectations because of it. We alone: animals, so far as we can see, are unaware of time, untroubled. Time is their natural environment. Why do we sense that it is not ours? C. S. Lewis…asked how it was that I, as a product of a materialistic universe, was not at home there. “Do fish complain of the sea for being wet? Or if they did, would that fact itself not strongly suggest that they had not always been, or would not always be, purely aquatic creatures?” Then, if we complain of time and take such joy in the seemingly timeless moment, what does that suggest? It suggests that we have not always been or will not always be purely temporal creatures. It suggest that we were created for eternity. Not only are we harried by time, we seem unable, despite a thousand generations, even to get used to it. We are always amazed at it – how fast it goes, how slowly it goes, how much of it is gone. Where, we cry, has the time gone? We aren’t adapted to it, not at home in it. If that is so, it may appear as a proof, or at least a powerful suggestion, that eternity exists and is our home.” – A Severe Mercy Thank you for capturing our moment of unhindered time @mrslindseyroman 💗 #beating50percent #weekendidos #stayingido #journeyofjerandauj

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Eventually, Audrey came for a visit and Janae said she "loved Jay from a love of God," and begged Auj to tell her if she was ever worried or uncomfortable. Janae tried to ignore her romantic feelings for Jeremy, but admits she was "about him." When 2013 rolled around, Audrey asked Jeremy to stop spending so much time with Janae, and he resisted. A few months later, when Jeremy was back on the ranch, Janae came to surprise him with the help of Audrey. However, Audrey seemingly realized that there was a deeper connection than she realized and became super uncomfortable. She says that just a few weeks later, Jeremy called and asked her to visit again, which Audrey was not cool with. Janae says he lied and told Audrey that she came unannounced, which caused even more friction, with Aurey eventually confronting Janae.

Janae and Jeremy went months without speaking until running into each other at a wedding, prompting Janae to ask for closure. They had a discussion, in which she says he admitted that she wasn't wrong about thinking they had feelings for each other at some point. Awkward! The whole ordeal prompted Jeremy to write a blog post in 2016 about how people in relationships shouldn't have friends of the opposite sex because it's a "dangerous game." Just how dangerous? We don't know, because Janae says she only shared about 10% of what actually went down, so fans are left to wonder how far it actually went.