In a recent Instagram post, Jeremy Vuolo announced he would be enrolling in The Master's Seminary to purse a degree in pastoral ministry. The Counting On star shared his acceptance letter from Pastor John MacArthur, and gushed about the "honor."

"I am so grateful to the Lord, as well as to Pastor John MacArthur and [Rev. Austin T. Duncan], for giving me the incredible opportunity to begin theological and pastoral studies at @mastersseminary," he wrote. However, the decision to enroll doesn't come without a little bit of controversy. As a user on reddit pointed out, Pastor MacArthur has been accused of covering up a rape that took place on the school's campus in 2006.

A former student, who goes by Jane, penned an open letter about her sexual assault at the institution, and revealed she was forced to apologize to her attacker who allegedly raped and drugged her. "I know I’ve been raped, and fondled and used as a propped up blow-up doll date for the stranger," she wrote. "I go to the police. They do a rape kit and then stick me in a room where alternating good cop and bad cop question me and accuse me of lying. I confront them and say: 'This is not how you treat a rape victim. I am studying to become a rape counselor and this is the opposite of what you should do.'"

However, when she returns to campus and tells her resident director what happened, she is told that she broke the rules since she signed a contract promising not to do drugs or drink. "I am horrified. Maybe I asked for this. Maybe I did come on to the stranger. Maybe this is all my fault," she added. "Maybe I have to marry him since he is the only person I have ever had sex with. I have never even kissed a boy before, but maybe that is the only way to make this right."

Things only got worse for the then 21-year-old after Pastor MacArthur and Rick Holland, the pastor for the church affiliated with the college, got involved. According to Jane, Rick told her that Pastor MacArthur thinks she should be disciplined for drinking, doing drugs, and almost dancing — and threatens to kick her out of the school.

"He is angry at me for going to the police and the doctor. I should have let the church handle this without outside interference," she explained. "He tells me not to tell anyone else, not my fellow classmates, not my teachers, not anyone at church." He goes on to accuse her of ruining the young man's life.

Her attacker eventually confesses to his "sin" — but Jane is still asked to apologize to him for the "dress she was wearing at the bar" and for drinking. "[Rick] says I caused this young man to stumble, and he is incensed that I have not dropped the charges with the police," Jane wrote. " I am told that the stranger and I have committed this sin together and therefore we must work through it together. I must agree to sit next to the stranger in church every week."

Eventually, Jane is kicked out of the school and is told if she shows up on campus she will be arrested. The school also allegedly changed her three years of earned college credits from A's to F's — causing her to flunk out of college. "Only one person from that whole community believes me — my roommate from junior year," Jane continued. "I realize that I cannot move on until I bring this darkness into the light— even if it helps just one person — even if that person is me."

Following her blog post, The Master's Seminary released a statement denying the claims. "According to our initial internal inquiry and review of the available records, we believe the blog article is plainly incorrect, a reality that we have verified with the police report on record," it read. "In addition to the various inaccuracies in the posted narrative, the male student that was accused in the official report was never a student at either The Master's University or Seminary."

While we don't know if Jeremy is aware of the allegations against the school he is planning to attend, fans of the family believe he should think twice about his decision. "This, Derick's Israel wall picture, it's all getting to be too much for me. Duggar snarking has been fun, but the family is revealing themselves to be f–ked up beyond what I could have imagined," one redditor commented.

It would be interesting to see how Jeremy handles this resurfaced controversy— especially since his wife, Jinger Duggar, was molested by her older brother Josh Duggar. Last year, Jinger, along with her sisters Jill, Jessa, and Joy filed a lawsuit against the city of Springdale, Ark., after In Touch filed a Freedom of Information Act to obtain police files about the sexual assaults.

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