Though Jill Duggar and Jessa Duggar may share plenty of DNA, most of the time they don’t actually look all that much alike. Jill is paler, Jessa’s hair is less curly, Jill is taller and more lanky — there are plenty of differences between the two. But every now and then we spot a picture or a video and it’s like we’re seeing double. Not only do they look strikingly similar, it’s almost like you could swap one out for another and not notice. 

In an old clip of 19 Kids and Counting (back when there were just 18 kids), there’s even a clip where we almost didn’t recognize Jessa — because we thought we were looking at Jill. In the video, John David Duggar, cousin Amy Duggar, and Jessa are sitting in the back of a truck, and Jessa’s super long, curly hair with her bangs pulled back makes her look exactly like her big sis. Seriously, did Jill style her hair that morning? They could be twins — and we’re finally realizing how little Samuel Dillard ended up looking just like his aunt. Want to see the resemblance? Check it out for yourself in the throwback video TLC shared with fans in 2009. 

Seriously, though, it’s almost bizarre how much Jessa looks like Jill in this clip. But what’s also bizarre is the clip itself. Jessa, Amy, and John are sitting in a truck… filled with bagels? And then they’re throwing those bagels at the camera crew following and filming them? And then Jessa blatantly tries to deny her actions while on camera, only admitting them once she’s switched strategies to blaming Amy for starting the food fight? 

This just may be the weirdest thing we’ve ever seen any of the Duggars do — and we’ve seen the family do some pretty WTF things. But hey, what can we say? They’re definitely a unique family. 

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