Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard have shared the truth about how their relationship with TLC ended six years after Derick was reportedly fired from Counting On.

Jill, 32, and Derick, 34, revealed that they parted ways with TLC when they could not negotiate fair pay with Jill’s father, Jim Bob Duggar, during episode 3 of Amazon Prime Video’s Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets. The docuseries explores the Duggar family and their connection to the Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP), a conservative religious ministry.

Jim Bob offered Jill and Derick $10 an hour to film, as well as a lump sum that was close to minimum wage. Jill and Derick wanted to negotiate with TLC, but Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar’s rep at the time, Chad Gallagher, told them they were not allowed to talk to TLC without him present. In order to receive the pay, Jill and Derick would have needed to sign a new contract that gave Jim Bob even more control. They refused to sign and left TLC.

Jill and Derick stopped appearing on TLC’s Counting On in 2017, two years after the 19 Kids and Counting spinoff’s premiere. Derick was allegedly fired from the show when he made transphobic comments online about fellow TLC star Jazz Jennings, although Derick insisted that he left the network on his own accord, with Jill joining him in support. The couple also shared in a 2020 YouTube video that they left to “pursue [their] own goals.”

In Shiny Happy People, Jill recalled feeling “taken advantage of” when it came to filming 19 Kids and Counting and Counting On. She claimed that she never received any money for 19 Kids and Counting because the money was going to Jim Bob instead, per their contract.

“For seven and a half years of my adult life, I was never paid,” Jill said.

Jill and Derick tried to put their foot down by refusing to come back from a mission trip to film. However, they were told they had to come back. When they said no, Jim Bob sent them a signature page that Jill allegedly signed, but Derick claimed it was a fraud. 

Throughout Shiny Happy People, Derick and Jill also detailed the start of their relationship with TLC and other times they felt they lacked control. Derick spoke about how he reached out to Jim Bob to be his prayer partner in 2011, and Jim Bob introduced Derick to Jill. Jim Bob arranged to have Derick and Jill’s wedding at the Cross Church in Springdale, Arkansas, in 2014 filmed for an episode of 19 Kids and Counting. According to Jill, “4.4 million” people watched the episode. She and Derick had no choice in having their wedding filmed for the show.

According to Jill, Jim Bob also had her sign a contract before the wedding, which meant she and Derick would essentially sign their lives away for the following five years. 

When Jill gave birth to her and Derick’s first child, Israel, in 2015, production requested to be in the room to film the event. Jill didn’t want anyone there, but Derick said they “basically lost” and TLC was able to get the footage. Jill and Derick also requested payment from TLC after the birth to cover their insurance costs, but the network paid the money to the Duggar family, meaning it went to Jim Bob.

“They said they paid the family. ‘Paid the family’ means we don’t get anything at that point,” Derick said. “They said, ‘Well, we paid your dad, so take it up with him.'”

Reps for Jim Bob Duggar did not immediately respond to In Touch‘s request for comment.

Following the release of Shiny Happy People, Jim Bob and Michelle released a statement on their website voicing their disapproval. 

“The recent ‘documentary’ that talks about our family is sad because in it we see the media and those with ill intentions hurting people we love. Like other families, ours too has experienced the joys and heartbreaks of life, just in a very public format,” the couple wrote. “This ‘documentary’ paints so much and so many in a derogatory and sensationalized way because sadly that’s the direction of entertainment these days.”


Jim Bob and Michelle continued, “We have always believed that the best chance to repair damaged relationships, or to reconcile differences, is through love in a private setting. We love every member of our family and will continue to do all we can to have a good relationship with each one. Through both the triumphs and the trials we have clung to our faith all the more and discovered that through the love and grace of Jesus, we find strength, comfort, and purpose.”

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