Usually when you go through a breakup, it’s pretty standard fare to kind of hate your ex or even pretend that they straight-up don’t exist, at least for a while. And it’s not unusual to get your family on board with that strategy, too. But after Josiah Duggar and Marjorie Jackson decided to call it quits on that whole courting thing, not all of his siblings followed his lead. Si might have deleted all photo evidence of his ex-girlfriend from his Instagram, but his sister Jill Duggar didn’t — and Jinger Duggar has her own weird connection to Marjorie even today. Watch the video above to see what we mean, and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel.

Yikes! Think that was some purposeful shade on Jill’s part? Jinger’s continuing relationship with Marjorie is certainly no accident. But maybe things all turned out for the best in the end. After all, now Marjorie is living her best life, rocking fashionable jeans, writing her own books, and studying graphic design at (gasp!) a real four-year college. So maybe it all worked out the way that it was supposed to? You know, aside from the fact that the whole reason the Duggars chose to court instead of date is because they don’t believe in breakups.

Though the Duggars read and recommend lots of books, one of the ones Jill has turned to for relationship advice is I Kissed Dating Goodbye. The Duggar Family Blog, run by friends of the fam, even cited it as one of the resources she used to put together a questionnaire for now-husband Derick Dillard during their first Skype sesh. And in that book, author Joshua Harris describes dating people other than your future husband or wife as giving away pieces of your heart. He writes about a fictional couple getting married, and, as the bride and groom say their vows, other girls walk up to the altar to stand with the groom. When the bride asks what’s going on, he says, “They don’t mean anything to me now… but I’ve given part of my heart to each of them.” When the bride says that she thought his heart was her, he responds, “It is, it is… Everything that’s left is yours.”

For the Duggars, having a relationship with someone and then breaking up with them means you’ve got less of your heart to give your future spouse. Though Michelle has told in the past that “there’s no such thing as a failed courtship,” it’s easy to imagine that they agree with the book that they’re recommending. According to them, Marjorie will always have at least a little piece of Josiah’s heart — which makes it even more awkward that his family members haven’t cut ties.

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