In an exclusive interview with In Touch, the mother of a baby girl born with complications under the care of Jill Duggar‘s old boss says that Jill may be unfit to be a midwife.

Venessa Giron — an Arkansas midwife with whom Jill worked as an apprentice — is being blamed for the complications during the February 2014 birth of Tiffany Nance’s daughter Jozzie.

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jill duggar in touch
In Touch

Tiffany exclusively reveals that she begged Jill (who was assisting Venessa during her daughter’s birth and had assisted Venessa with more than 100 births while training for her midwife certification) to call 911 at least three times during her brutal 14-hour labor, but Venessa wouldn’t let her, even though “I was crying and screaming out in pain.”

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Tiffany also had Group B Strep, which can be extremely dangerous to a baby unless antibiotics are administered, and claims Venessa only offered her holistic remedies.

Venessa disputes the entire story, saying that she did call 911 and that Tiffany refused antibiotics.

jozzie in touch
In Touch

In an odd twist, John-David Duggar, then working as an EMT, was the one to rush the newborn to the hospital.

After her traumatic birth, Jozzie spent 54 days in the hospital and was diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

“Every doctor calls her a miracle,” Tiffany reveals. “My daughter could have died.”

And while Tiffany puts the blame on Venessa, she adds that if Venessa was the sole midwife Jill apprenticed for, she should never have received her certification, stating, “If Venessa’s the only person she’s trained under, I don’t think she’s qualified.”

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