Telling all. Real Housewives of New Jersey star Teresa Giudice and her husband, Joe Giudice, sat down with Bravo’s Andy Cohen for an interview for the first time since Joe was released from ICE Custody. Joe joined Teresa and Andy on “Joe and Teresa Unlocked” by calling into the taping from his native country of Italy, where he is currently staying as he awaits a verdict in his deportation appeal. Keep scrolling below for all of the most shocking revelations. 

Joe Refused to Wear Handcuffs While Leaving ICE Custody

“They wanted to handcuff me. I was like listen, I am not getting I handcuffs. If I wanted to leave, I would like just kick your butts and leave,” Joe, 47, told Andy, 51. “I ain’t going to do that. I want to get the hell out of here. Then when we got to the airport, we left from Washington. So basically, we got there, had to meet all these other security guards. I don’t know who was DAA or DA or whatever the hell you want to call them. I had two immigration officers. One on each side. Taking selfies with me the whole time.”

Joe Was Placed in Solitary Confinement While in Prison

During the interview, Joe reflected on his time in federal prison and said he was placed in solitary confinement, a.k.a. “the shoe,” for one week. “I was basically put in the shoe for opening up the window in the gym, you know, which is one of those little metal doors so we could get air in there. That’s what I got put in the shoe for,” Joe explained. “A stupid little sliding thing that gets air even though there’s bars there. It’s not like you could escape or anything like that.”

Teresa Admits She Blames Joe for Lost Time With Her Mom

Teresa lost her mother in March 2017, just two years after Teresa was released from prison after serving 11 months of a 15-month prison sentence for fraud charges for her involvement in Joe’s case. .She got extremely honest when Andy when he asked if she blamed Joe for missing out on 11 months with her mom before her death.

“Well, there’s no one else to blame. Yes. I do blame him,” Teresa, 47, said. “I got really angry after I lost my mom. That’s when all the anger came out. Before that, I wasn’t really that angry, then afterwards, that’s when it all hit me. And I became more open and more expressive of how I felt and I think that helped me, too, express myself. No one should judge me unless they walk in my shoes.”

Joe Reveals Why He Didn’t Become a U.S. Citizen

“My mistake was I never became a citizen. That was stupid of me. But when you’re raised here as a kid, you do everything here, not [a] big deal. You’re not a criminal. Busted my ass my whole life. Believe me, I was a hard worker and wasn’t one of these guys who sat around doing nothing all day. That wasn’t me.”

Joe Shares Updated on Deportation Appeal

“Basically, we just got to wait and see. We have a good lawyer on it and hopefully, you know, these judges rule on it and do the right thing,” Joe said.

Joe Reacts to Teresa’s Photos With a Mystery Man

“I looked at them and I said oh, okay, listen. Whatever floats her boat. If she’s into whoever she’s into, that’s fine. Look. Andy. I’m in here, she’s out there. I don’t know [what’s] going on. I mean I wasn’t happy about it of course,” Joe said about Teresa’s outing with Blake Schreck.

Joe and Teresa Open up About the Fate of Their Marriage

It seems like they both have come to terms with the decision to separate if Joe is indeed deported to Italy. “I don’t see it working,” she told Andy. “I don’t think he would be faithful. I don’t. I think he would have someone there and have me here. I don’t want to live that life. I just don’t.”

And Joe seems to want whatever Teresa wants, but he also said he still loves Teresa no matter what. “She’s my wife and I’ve been with her for a long time,” he explained. “Known her since she was a kid. Baby, actually. So of course, I’ll always love her. No matter what happens, I’ll always love her.”