Jon and Kate Plus 8 alum Jon Gosselin accused ex-wife Kate Gosselin of “dragging” him “back into the past” by filing an appeal against a judge’s decision to dismiss his back child support payments.

“This thing has already been quashed by judges and she still won’t let it go,” Jon, 46, told The U.S. Sun on Wednesday, January 24, of Kate’s December 2023 appeal. “My hands are tied, there’s not much more I can do, I’m done hiring lawyers. I’ve spent every last penny. I work just to protect myself from her.”

Jon added that Kate, 48, is still “stuck back in 2009,” while he has “moved on with [his] life.”

“I’ve been moving on — I’ve said this so many times — and she keeps dragging me back to 2009,” the Pennsylvania-based DJ said. “Honestly I want to say to her: ‘Hey Kate, 2009 called, they want Jon back.’”

Jon also said that Kate has taken “every ability” for him to earn money, as he allegedly wasn’t allowed to do TV gigs because it would breach his TLC contract. He claimed that Kate accused him of using his DJing as a “front for drug dealing,” even though he had “never touched drugs.”

“They’d tried every way to throw me under the bus,” he said of Kate and her lawyers. “I had to work three jobs just to pay the child support.”

Their current battle over child support began in March 2018 when Kate filed a complaint requesting payments from Jon, whom she divorced in 2009, for their eight children. At the time, the court reached a judgment of $132,875 in child support.

Kate Gosselin Denied $132,000 in Court Case Against Ex Jon
Getty Images

In September 2022, Kate filed an adverse revival against Jon to request the enforcement of the 2018 judgment after he was awarded custody of their kids Hannah and Colin, breaking an alleged agreement they made, according to The Sun. The case went on until November 2023, when a judge ruled to strike the child support judgment.

Kate then filed a Notice of Appeal to the Superior Court in December 2023, with her attorney requesting a copy of all docket entries and a transcript, according to The Sun.

A rep for Jon told the publication at the time, “Jon finally thought he was free of Kate’s endless legal attacks. Unfortunately, Kate can’t seem to let this go despite the judge’s decisions. This doesn’t look good for her. I’m sure the judges won’t take kindly to this. She is free now that all her children are in college. This seems like just another very desperate move to make money. I think it’s time for Kate to get a job.”

The case is currently on appeal with no upcoming court dates, In Touch can confirm.

Kate and Jon’s legal battle comes after a source exclusively told In Touch in October 2023 that the Kate Plus Date star was struggling financially and living “paycheck to paycheck.”

“She’s fallen quite a ways from being one of the country’s top reality stars,” the insider added.

The following month, another insider exclusively told In Touch that Kate was struggling to “make ends meet” amid the legal drama with her ex. Though she got her nursing license and had stints on reality shows like Dancing With the Stars, Celebrity Wife Swap and more, it wasn’t close to what she had been making in the early 2000s.

“She’s desperate at this point,” the source said. “Nursing doesn’t pay great — especially compared to what she gets on TV.”