Way to make a dramatic entrance, Baby Lo! It’s been more than a month since Kailyn Lowry gave birth to her third child — a boy, who as of today still doesn’t have a name. Of course, that’s not to say that he didn’t make a startling first impression on his parents…

In a new blog for her personal website, the star of Teen Mom 2 details the day her littlest one made his big debut. In the post, she admits that she debated posting about it because of the graphic details, but decided it was too epic of a tale to keep to herself.

“I had some friends over the night I went into labor…made dinner, played cards then sat on the couch to watch the Crossfit games. Around 1 a.m., I literally FELT AND HEARD a noise,” she writes. “It was my mucus plug…literally heard it and felt it, WHAT THE ACTUAL F–K. So, again, going off the history of labor with the other two, at this point it could be days before.”

As she writes in her blog, she lost the mucus plug the night before giving birth to her oldest, Isaac, and said it was days between when she lost her mucus plug and actually giving birth to Lincoln. At that point, she says she called her third baby daddy, Chris Lopez, to let him know what happened and reassure him that she’ll inform him when her water eventually breaks.

“And sure enough, MINUTES later… My water breaks,” she says, adding that her contractions were immediately three minutes apart. She then called her doctor, who told her to go to the hospital immediately — even though she thought she had a “good 10 hours” before labor would actually start.

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“I get to the hospital at 2:45 a.m. I can barely sign my name on the papers…they’re struggling to get the IV in, I’m 6 cm [dialated]… I’m begging for pain meds, but the paperwork isn’t done,” she recounts. “Minutes later, the IV is in and I’m OK, now can I please have pain meds? Nurse comes in to hceck me and I’m 8 CM but dialate 9, 10 CM as she’s checking me. The last thing I hear is, ‘I need help’ from the nurse [whose hand] I literally just dilated in. I said, ‘I CANNOT DO THIS WITHOUT MEDS’ and all of the sudden, I feel my body almost curl up into a ball and then I turned into Super Saiyan, as Chris said, and like sprawl out, arch my back, and the nurses are yelling now chin to chest, and the baby was out after two pushes. 3 a.m. on the dot.”

As Kail explains, she had long labors with her first two — 13 hours for Isaac, and 16 for Lincoln — so she was shocked that the whole thing took two hours from start to finish. In the post, Kail shared her friends’ point of view of the events that took place in the early hours of Aug. 5 — and it’s clear that it was an unforgettable night for all!

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