Don’t come for her kid! That was the message that Kailyn Lowry put out loud and clear on Twitter on Tuesday, Sept. 25 when a Teen Mom fan tried to give her, well, let’s generously call it parenting advice. The confrontation started when Kail tweeted about Lux, her youngest son, having his molars grow in while she was away for the weekend. Appropos of nothing, another Twitter user decided to respond — and Kail wasn’t having it. 

“Cut his hair he looks like a girl !!!” Kail’s follower wrote to the Teen Mom 2 star. And mama clapped right back. “I don’t tell people to tape your mouth shut cause you’re ignorant,” she fired off. “Don’t tell me what to do with my children.” Dang!

Other users and fans followed Kail’s lead, sounding off in the original commenter’s mentions. More just came out of the woodwork to support the mom of three by posting pictures of their own long-haired sons and defending whatever choices she made for her sons’ hair — or how to raise them in general. “I literally can’t stand when people say this,” wrote one follower. “He is so obviously not a girl. He has boyish features, and not to mention he wears boy clothes. ALSO NOT TO MENTION NO ONE HAS THE RIGHt TO COMMENT ON THE PARENTING OF AN OBVIOUSLY VERY LOVED AND TAKEN OF LITTLE BOY. Jesus.” 

Kail is pretty much famous for her clap backs. Recently, she also took on homophobic haters online. When she brought her (totally platonic) bestie Becky Hayter to her ex Jo Rivera‘s wedding as her date, fans started gossiping about the not-a-couple couple online. The reality star decided to shut things down — especially when the commentary took an offensive turn. “Why would you teach your kids any different?” she responded, preaching tolerance. “Accept people for who they are.”

Shouting down your followers may not always be the best move — but in this case, we’re glad that Kail’s been standing up for herself. And for her adorable young son.