Mama’s got some feelings about this one! Kate Gosselin, previously of Jon and Kate Plus 8 fame, told a fan on Instagram that she’s worried about the day her daughter Alexis goes off to college — but not for the reason you may think.

The Kate Plus Date star shared a photo of her daughter and their family bird, Zorro, on June 3, with the caption, “Alexis and Zorro. The best of friends! ❤️❤️ #Zorro #SixYearsOldAlready #BlackCappedConureand.” A follower replied, “It’s been a long time since a Zorro post. Good to see Alexis and Zorro. How long do those live? So I’m not a bird person so don’t know much about them at all.” Kate, 44, then responded, “30+ years?! So he’s still a young guy! Question is: when Alexis goes to college, seriously, I don’t know what I’ll do! He calls her name ALL day long when she’s at school and once she walks through the door, he’s frantic for her to hold him!” Aww, that’s kind of sweet.

Kate continued, “He refuses to allow anyone else to get him out [though] — occasionally he lets Joel or Aaden get him, but no one else!!! He lets me hold him only if Alexis brings him TO me. A fickle little guy …. but I love him so much!” Isn’t that always the way with pets?

It’s actually not uncommon for Kate to share photos of the Gosselin family pets on Instagram. For instance, on May 23, she posted a pic of herself with her dog along with the caption, “#InstantStressRelief #LoveMyGirl🐶❤️.” In fact, she shares all sorts of shots of her pups on the social media platform. But updates about Zorro are a little rarer — maybe because Kate does not appear to be his favorite. Nope, that honor goes to Alexis. But her fine feathered friend is just going to have to get used to the new normal when Kate and Jon Gosselin’s daughter heads off for higher education!