Where does the time go?! It seems like just yesterday the sextuplets of Jon and Kate Plus 8 were teeny, tiny little babies — with so, so many diapers to be changed! So it is hard to imagine that Jon and Kate Gosselin’s sexuplets — Aaden, Alexis, Collin, Hannah, Joel, and Leah — are already teenagers! If you have a hard time picturing it (we know we did!), fear not! The mother-of-eight recently shared a pic of her younger daughters on Instagram. Check out the video above to see how grown up they look today!

In the caption of her photo, posted April 28, the single mama explained her own shock at how old her children are. “My beautiful ‘little girls,’” she wrote (the big girls, of course, being 17-year-old twins Mady and Cara). “They keep reminding me how many days until they turn 14. Today it was ‘12 days til we turn 14, Mom.’ HOW’S THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?! I told Leah that she’s too small to turn 14. She said, ‘Yeah, true. Are you sure I’m not turning 11 or 12?’ I’m positive. I gave birth to you. They’ll always be my babies… I love them so very much!”

If you’re like us and you’ve missed seeing Kate and her kids on the small screen, fear not! The 41-year-old is returning to reality tv to try her hand at dating on Kate Plus Date.

Of course, there will likely be one noticeably absent member of the crew — Collin, who has been away at school for his special needs since 2015. The decision to send her child away to get help wasn’t an easy one for Kate, but ultimately something she felt confident about.

“Collin has special needs,” the reality star explained at the time. “[There’s] a fairly fluid diagnosis of what those needs are, but he needs to learn certain strategies to help him deal with things. This has been a struggle we’ve had for a very long time, and it’s one I’ve dealt with on my own. I’ve felt very alone in this. By the same token, it’s not something that has only impacted me or him — our entire family has been impacted.”

Collin was infamously absent from the Kate Plus 8 episode celebrating his and his siblings’ thirteenth birthday party. Fingers crossed he’ll make it home for his fouteenth — which is just six days away!