With all of her fancy diets, cheat day rules, and fasting, it seems almost impossible to start eating like Kourtney Kardashian. Just reading about her super strict detox diet has us completely overwhelmed. Eat low-carb, high-protein, high-fatty acid meals, fast for 15 hours before breakfast, say goodbye to sugar forever, and consume only bone broth and water one day a week. For more tips, pay up one million dollars for usage of her app. Blah, blah, blah. We’re even stressing right now. We’re not sure how anyone could follow such a strict diet.

And sometimes, we’re not sure Kourtney follows it either. If you follow her Snapchat stories, you know that she’s constantly snapping pics of delicious looking meals and snacks. Including sweets! So what’s the deal? How does that fit into the diet? And how do we get a bod as tight as Kourt’s while still eating like she does?

If you want to eat like Kourtney Kardashian, you don’t need all those fancy steps.

You really just need one: Snapchat. Everything.

Turns out it’s just that easy. You don’t have to cut sugar out of your life entirely. In fact, feel free to surround yourself with it. The only catch is that instead of eating it, make sure you’re just Snapchatting pics of it instead. That way your friends and followers will see it and it’ll be like you ate — only you totally, definitely won’t have. Want chicken nuggets and fries? Snapchat it.

Craving some candy and it’s not your cheat day? (Does Kourt even have a cheat day? Nevermind. We don’t want to know. It’ll only break our hearts.) Snapchat it!

The kids want pancakes and honestly in that moment you don’t even really want any, but you know once you start making them and smelling them you’re going want about one thousand? Well, go ahead and get out the griddle! Just make sure they go on your story and not into your mouth.

It really is that simple. Every time your stomach starts rumbling, every time the waiter asks if you want fries or a salad, every time a piece of cake catches your eye, just ask yourself, “Hmmmm…should I ?” And then do it. And by do it we mean just Snapchat it; don’t eat it.

If you’re still having trouble, here’s just one more piece of advice: Never, ever, ever Instagram it. If you put it on your Instagram feed, the picture is going to stick around, haunting you until you finally give in. Better off with an image that disappears in 24 hours — just like all those calories you’ve saved yourself from consuming. Oh, but if you want Kourt’s abs, you do still have to drink the bone broth.

kourtney kardashian drinking

Sorry ’bout that. Maybe it’s not so easy after all.