Justice has been served. Larry Nassar — the disgraced doctor who was accused of sexually assaulting hundreds of young athletes through his positions with the USA Gymnastics and Michigan State University — has been sentenced to 175 years in prison by superhero/Judge Rosemarie Aquilina. “It is my honor and privilege to sentence you. You do not deserve to walk outside a prison again,” she said. “You have done nothing to control those urges and anywhere you walk, destruction will occur to those most vulnerable… I just signed your death warrant.”

The trial has been particularly emotional, as Judge Aquilina vowed to let every victim and parent make a victim impact statement. More than 100 young woman come forward over the course of seven days, despite Nassar’s initial request to skip the process, claiming he couldn’t “mentally” handle hearing from the victims. Prior to the judge’s sentencing, he showed slightly more self-awareness despite clearly being a monster in human form.

“Your words these past several days — their words, your words — have had a significant emotional effect on myself and has shaken me to my core. I also recognize that what I am feeling pales in comparison to the pain, trauma, and emotional destruction that all of you are feeling,” he said. “There are no words that can describe the depth and breadth of how sorry I am for what has occurred. An acceptable apology to all of you is impossible to write and convey. I will carry your words with me for the rest of my days.”

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Judge Rosemarie Aquilina

The charge is on top of the 60 years he was sentenced to in December for charges related to child pornography.

During her statement, former Olympic captain Aly Raisman pointed fingers at Team USA Gymnastics, the US Olympic Committee, and Michigan State University for being complicit in his abuse and turning a blind eye while warning Nassar that his victims are now “a force” while he is “nothing”; gymnastic Mattie Larson recalled purposefully injuring herself in order to get out of Nassar’s “treatment”; his first public accusor, Rachael Denhollander, read the final victim impact statement, sharing details frighteningly similar to the 162 women who went before her.

As Olympian McKayla Maroney — who infamously signed a non-disclosure agreement as part of a settlement — was able to give her statement without facing retribution by USA Gymnastics, who she settled with. In a statement read on her behalf, she made it clear that Nassar was well aware of his legacy in this world. “Dr. Nassar was never a doctor. He was in fact, and forever shall be, a child molester, a monster of a human being,” her statement poignantly declared. “End of story.”