She may not be fluent yet, but Leah Messer is doing her best to learn Spanish so that she can speak the language with her new nephew, Caí River Rodríguez Messer. Not everyone is appreciating the effort, though. The Teen Mom 2 star has been getting a lot of hate over her missteps, and she’s sick of it. On Monday, January 20, she took to Twitter to call out the criticism.

“I guess learning Español to speak fluently with my nephew is something to mock,” she tweeted. “Mannnn, Why do so many of you spend your time hating others on social media? You could be much more productive and uplifting. How does this genuinely make you happy?” Adding a thinking face emoji, she tacked on the hashtag, “#IDontGetIt.”

But the tweet didn’t silence the hate. Plenty of fans still had something to say in response. “I’m not mad, but he won’t come out speaking Spanish,” one wrote with a crying-laughing emoji. “But your nephew is going to speak English,” shot back a second. “I doubt he’s even going to speak much Spanish at all if he’s going to be raised by your sister and your family, so why would YOU need to learn Spanish?” A third chimed in, “Does Leah think babies come out of the womb speaking in a different language than the one they are taught?”

Luckily, after Leah, 27, spoke out, plenty of others had her back. “People literally find the stupidest things to get upset about!” one responded to her tweet. “Congrats on your nephew! Sounds like you’re already the best auntie! ❤️” Another wrote, “I think it’s amazing that you want to learn someone else’s culture and language and don’t have that privileged mindset that you ‘shouldn’t have to.’ You do you, girl!”

Some even offered advice for how she could brush up on her skills and how she and sister Victoria Messer can help ensure that Caí knows his father’s first language just as well as he knows his mother’s. “If you’re going to learn another language, the best way is to go to the country and immerse yourself in it,” a fan suggested. “If you want him to know Spanish, take him to Spanish speaking only daycares and schools.”