We're keeping little Paisley in our thoughts! 16 and Pregnant alum Lindsey Harrison has been sharing regular updates about her premature twins Paisley and Jackson ever since they were born at just 29 weeks old back in October. Over the past four months, there has been progess and setbacks, and Lindsey recently took to Instagram to reveal that her daughter Paisley is experiencing another heartbreaking setback.

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Paisley isn’t doing well. I’ve had to do A LOT of talking this week. So clearly the last thing I wanted to do was talk about it even more with y’all. Her liver has a disease. causing her to have failure to thrive . We have absolutely no idea why her liver is doing this. We are in the process of figuring it out. Whatever it is, it’s extremely rare. We are doing test after test. Tomorrow we do another liver biopsy so hopefully that leads to some new answers. Please pray for us to find answers as to why this is happening so we can treat her properly & get our sweet girl on the road to recovery💗🙌🏼 This has been EXTREMELY difficult on myself, my husband & Aniyah. Thank you to everyone who’s reached out. Nobody wants to see someone they love more than anything in the world suffering. My heart is just breaking for my Sweet P. No baby should have to go through this. I’ve got to see who is truly there for myself, my husband and my children this week. Thank you, thank you, thank you to the people who’ve called willing to do anything to help during this time.

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"Paisley isn’t doing well. I’ve had to do A LOT of talking this week. So clearly the last thing I wanted to do was talk about it even more with y’all," Lindsey explained." Her liver is failing, causing her to have failure to thrive. We have absolutely no idea why her liver is doing this. We are in the process of figuring it out. Whatever it is, it’s extremely rare. We are doing test after test. Tomorrow we do another liver biopsy so hopefully, that leads to some new answers. Please pray for us to find answers as to why this is happening so we can treat her properly [and] get our sweet girl on the road to recovery."

"This has been EXTREMELY difficult on myself, my husband [and] Aniyah. Thank you to everyone who’s reached out. Nobody wants to see someone they love more than anything in the world suffering. My heart is just breaking for my Sweet P," the 23-year-old continued. "No baby should have to go through this. I’ve got to see who is truly there for myself, my husband and my children this week. Thank you, thank you, thank you to the people who’ve called willing to do anything to help during this time."

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If everyone can say a quick prayer for our Sweet P that everything goes well while she’s being put under anesthesia this morning and good outcomes on many tests being done today🙌🏼💗🦋

A post shared by Lindsey Nicholson (@paisleyannboutique_) on

In her last Instagram update, Lindsey shared a photo of little Paisley and she asked fans for prayers before her baby girl underwent anesthesia so that she could undergo more testing.


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