Last night was an especially emotional episode of Little People, Big World for new parents Tori and Zach Roloff as they were forced to relive the tragic loss of their beloved pup Inspector Sullivan — known affectionately as Sully.

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As In Touch previously reported, Sully succumbed to cancer at a very young age and died only days after his diagnosis. On last night’s episode, Tori — who was pregnant at the time, she has since given birth to her first child, a son named Kyle — lamented about how she envisioned Sully and Jackson growing up side-by-side. She later reiterated her point on Instagram.

“Tonight’s episode was one of the hardest stories I’ve ever had to share. Never did I think so soon I would say goodbye to my Sully,” she wrote in an emotional post. “There were so many visions that were destroyed when he passed. We always saw our family of four romping together at the farm. I always saw Baby J tugging and pulling on Sul and running through the fields together. Our little family. The pain is still unreal whenever I think about our scup and how Jackson won’t get to meet his big brother, but we know he is looking over us and Jackson has his very own guardian angel in the sky.”

MORE: Take a Tour of Jackson Roloff’s Nursery!

While the loss was unbearable for Tori and Zach, they have made sure that Sully’s legacy lives on in a couple of really special ways; not only did they get a stuffed Bernese Mountain Dog for their little one’s nursery and a bracelet with the coordinates of his final resting place.

Almost immediately following Sully’s death, Tori took to Instagram to memorialize her beloved pup — and her beautiful words prove just how special he was.

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Today would have marked three years since we brought home our best friend. I still remember the day so vividly. I was so nervous to get a dog but knew I was missing something. I remember telling my mom and zach "were just going to go meet him and then make a decision" (going to meet him involved a 6 hour car ride). Ya right. The decision was made the second I laid eyes on him. He was perfect. He was calm. He was SO fluffy. He was mine. It seems unfair that I hardly got any time with him but I learned more in the almost three years I spent with him than any other time in my life. He taught me how to love. How to be responsible. How to be silly. He taught me so much and he will live on in my heart forever. Love you #inspectorsullivan I think about you daily. 💙🐶

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“We are unbelievably heartbroken and at a loss for words… We found out Sully had cancer and it had spread quickly to his major organs,” she wrote at the time.

“We have spent the last five days spoiling him and loving on him as much as possible. Sadly, scup went home this afternoon and it was the hardest goodbye I’ve ever had to make. He was such a wonderful dog who brought joy to our hearts every single day. The only thing that keeps my heart at ease is knowing he is home now and where he needs to be. It’s hard to see why this would happen to such a great dog so early, but we know the Lord has greater plans for him.”

We know Tori and Zach are grateful for the time they had with their Sully — and we don’t have any doubts that Sully was just as grateful for his time with his parents!