Think she’s starting to regret creating that YouTube channel? Lori Loughlin‘s daughter Olivia Jade turned her vlogging hobby into a successful career as an influencer, but in the wake of her mom’s college admissions cheating scandal, her videos seem to be coming back to haunt her. In the past, she’s revealed she didn’t care about going to college and admitted that her dad “faked his way” through school. In another clip, Lori herself joked about paying for her education. And as of March 20, another of the 19-year-old’s old vlogs is resurfacing. In this one, she has some not-so-flattering things to say about school.

Though we already know that the teen dragged her feet at least a little bit when it came to pursuing her education, in an August 2017 video she seems to ratchet up that drama. While chronicling her first day of her senior year of high school, she shows off her morning routine, complete with Lori saying, “Have a lovely day. I know you’re so excited,” as Olivia cuts her off to say, “I won’t. I will not.” In a total Aunt Becky move, her mom calls back, “Don’t put that out there for the little kids who love school!” But Olivia just says, “Whatever,” and moves on.

Later on, she jokingly calls for “help” from her viewers, and a few moments later, she reveals to the camera, “I’ve gone to one class and I already want to die.” On the screen, she clarifies that she doesn’t actually want to die, but she continues, “I just want to go home.” Luckily for her, the day is over soon — and though the teen continues to complain, she does at least recognize that she’s fortunate enough to be able to complain.

“I’m home and I’ve never been so happy to be anywhere in my whole entire life. On a real note though, I know that I complain about school. I mean, who actually enjoys going to school? If you do, I’m very jealous. But I also feel the need to say that, for all of us who like to complain about school, ‘cause I get how much it sucks, we have to remember how lucky we are to have an education and how many people would kill to have a good education or an education at all. So, as much as I hate it … I still hate it but I’m grateful that I get to be educated, even though I hate it. You know?” At least it’s something.