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‘Married at First Sight’: Danielle Admits Things Have Been “Tense” Since Cody’s Confession

In the last episode of Married at First Sight, the couples did the one thing we’ve all been waiting for — they all finally started moving in together. Although cohabitation improved Nathan and Sheila’s marriage, it caused more awkwardness for Cody and Danielle.

This week, as the couples get more situated into their new living environments, drama unfolds between couples and their families. And by “drama,” we mean issues that remain unresolved because people would rather confess their feelings to the cameraman than to each other — looking at you, Anthony!

MUST SEE: Still Together? See Where All the ‘Married At First Sight’ Couples Are Now

Anthony and Ashley

Although they’re the most compatible, this week they run into a few snags over little things that could potentially become bigger issues.

At the beginning of the show, they bicker over whether or not Ashley should take Anthony’s last name. Ashley doesn’t want to. “I don’t want to get rid of my last name,” she tells him. “I feel like it’s my identity.”

“It was your identity,” Anthony responds.

“It’s a feminist thing,” Ashley continues. “How come you can’t take my last name?”

“Cause I’m the man,” Anthony replies. Yep, he really said that.

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“I don’t understand the whole feminist side of it,” Anthony tells the camera. “She likes my last name, so what’s the problem?” What’s the problem, Anthony? Womens’ oppression, is the problem! Ugh, where’s Gloria Steinem when you need her?

Despite their disagreement, they decide to squash the argument and continue it at another time. However, they later get in another tit-for-tat when expert Dr. Pepper Schwartz stops by. Ashley tells her that she and Anthony have bumped heads over babies.

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“You can’t just have kids and not have your finances planned out,” Anthony tells her.

“I’m not saying tomorrow,” Ashley snaps back. Although we’re sure she’s probably thinking in her brain, “But maybe the week after tomorrow?”

Later, the couple gets in the third squabble of the week, this time involving Ashley’s sister. When Ashley’s sister comes over for dinner, Anthony tells her that he didn’t appreciate how she sent Ashley articles about shark attacks while they were canoeing on their honeymoon.

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Ashley’s sister seems pretty ambivalent about the whole matter, but in Anthony’s confessionals, he seems pretty ticked off by it.

“I just don’t want her sister to influence what we do,” he says. “Like the whole living situation. Her sister is like, ‘You better not take her away from me.’ I’m going to do whatever the f–k I want!”

Nathan and Sheila

As you know, Nathan and Sheila also share their apartment with Nathan’s younger brother, Tyrique. Surprisingly, Sheila has been handling it very well and even jokes in this episode that they’re like one “big family.”

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While all three of them have dinner together, Sheila lays down some house rules for Tyrique. Rule No. 1? No girls in the house. Tyrique isn’t happy about that one, but Nathan provides him an alternative that any teenage boy can get behind:

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Later in the episode, Sheila invites her dad over for dinner where they discuss some family drama. He tells her that many of Sheila’s family members are upset because they weren’t invited to the wedding. Sheila tells her dad that she was only allowed to invite 25 people so, duh, many people were left off. She says it was outside her control and that her family should chill out — and we agree! We like drama but not stupid drama.

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And even worse? While Sheila argues with her dad, Nathan butts in and tries to explain the situation to Sheila’s dad. Now Nate and Sheila’s dad are arguing! Sorry, but this whole thing is just dumb. Next!

Danielle and Cody

Last week Cody told Danielle he wanted to just be friends, and although he went back and apologized, it looks like the damage has been done. Danielle tells the cameras that things have been tense ever since Cody’s confession, and living in a townhouse full of Danielle’s yappy dogs hasn’t been helping them in the chemistry department either.

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Danielle tells the cameras, once again, that chemistry could be improved if Cody could “step it up” and “be a man.” At this point, it’s becoming a broken record.

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Later in the episode, they both invite their families over for a barbecue. Danielle explains to Cody’s mom that she’s suffering from intimacy issues, which we’re sure wasn’t awkward for Cody’s mom to hear or anything.

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And things get even worse for Danielle and Cody. After they both decide to hang out together and get drinks, Cody cancels at the last minute and tells Danielle he doesn’t feel like going out anymore since he missed the train. Danielle heads back upstairs and tells her friend that Cody’s “childish.” Doesn’t look like Cody will be showing this so-called “manly” side anytime soon. *Takes a shot.*

In the previews for next week, the couples all talk about intimacy (or lack thereof) and Ashley tears up during a conversation with sex expert Rachel DeAlto.

In the meantime, check out the gallery below to learn more about the couples (and experts) featured in this season of Married at First Sight.