Former TV newsmen Matt Lauer and Don Lemon are set on showing up fair-weather friends and former colleagues, sources exclusively tell In Touch, adding that the two are joining forces for a spite-fueled resurgence.

“Matt thinks he’s the best thing that ever happened to network TV, and Don is equally resplendent in his own mind. They’ve been talking about collaborating because, as they like to say, brilliant minds think alike,” says an insider.

Lauer, 66, has sat on the sidelines since being terminated by Today in 2017, and CNN’s Lemon, 58, saw his 2024 comeback thwarted when X (formerly Twitter) owner Elon Musk canned his planned social media show. But sources tell In Touch the duo believe together they can become the new kings of all media.

“They think the time has come for them to put everyone who was mean to them in their places,” the insider explains.

The source says Lauer’s former co-workers Savannah Guthrie, Hoda Kotb and Katie Couric top his list of friends turned enemies, while Lemon has little love for Chris Cuomo and Musk.

The insider says Lauer and Lemon are taking inspiration from former FOX News staffer Tucker Carlson, who seems to have struck gold online, and want to create an “edgy and totally uncensored” program.

“They’re pitching all over and bragging their ideas are getting good feedback,” the source says.

Insiders say Lauer looked ready for prime time on April 6 at Lemon’s New York City wedding to partner Tim Malone. The insider adds, “Matt’s lost a lot of weight. Clearly he’s getting ready for his close-ups!”