Sister Wives star Meri Brown paid tribute to her late mother, Bonnie Ahlstrom, in a March 9 Instagram post, where she also referenced the recent death of Robert Garrison Brown.

“I have a little more comfort this week knowing that she was likely on Garrison’s welcoming committee, smiling that perfect smile at him and holding his sweet face in her loving hands,” Meri, 53, wrote. “Keep an eye on our boy up there, Mom! And give him a hug for me!”

Bonnie was 76 when she died unexpectedly in 2021 and Meri’s Instagram tribute was in honor of what would have been her mom’s birthday. “This week has been full of emotions, but I couldn’t let this March 9th pass without acknowledging and celebrating my sweet mom on her birthday,” the TLC star gushed. “She’s the one who always gave comfort and support, and was there at the drop of a hat when you needed her. She loved without question and beyond measure. She made you feel like you were the only one in her world when you were with her. She served with a smile and loved with her huge heart.”

Although Meri only has one biological child of her own, she pointed out that Bonnie loved all of the children in the polygamous Brown family. “She loved every one of her grandkids, no matter how they came into her family,” she continued. “They were all hers, and all of our kids lovingly called her ‘Grandma.’”

The Sister Wives stars are grieving the loss of Garrison after announcing the news of his death on March 5. Police confirmed that the 25-year-old, whose parents are Janelle Brown and Kody Brown, died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound at his residence in Flagstaff, Arizona.

“​​Kody and I are deeply saddened to announce the loss of our beautiful boy Robert Garrison Brown,” Janelle shared on Instagram. “He was a bright spot in the lives of all who knew him. His loss will leave such a big hole in our lives that it takes our breath away. We ask that you please respect our privacy and join us in honoring his memory.”

On March 8, Janelle, 54, also shared a photo from the last time she was with all six of her kids. “I had all my children together last Christmas,” she shared. “It was amazing as it’s hard with everyone’s busy lives to coordinate time like this. I am extremely grateful now that we had pictures taken.”

Janelle and Kody, 55, split at the end of 2022. Garrison was also estranged from his father at the time of his death, according to family statements in a police report. Tensions rose between the men amid the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, as they did not agree on what guidelines to follow. Garrison became frustrated with his dad for not spending time with him and other family members who did not want to follow Kody’s strict pandemic rules.

“For my boys, there’s so much more going on than just this fight over whose COVID rules should be followed,” Janelle said in 2022. “They have, for a long time, perceived that Kody’s focus, you know, his time, everything, was spent, the majority at Robyn [Brown]’s house, even when we lived in Vegas.”

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