Meri Brown posted a throwback photo with Robert Garrison Brown and said it made her emotional to find the old picture. In a new tribute post, the Sister Wives star grieved the loss of her family member four weeks after his death.

“Looking through my phone tonight on the hunt for something completely unrelated, I came across this old photo of Garrison and me from 2018,” Meri, 53, shared via Instagram on Wednesday, April 3. “A photo I didn’t remember I had, and one that I will forever cherish.”

Garrison died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound in March and Meri said that seeing the photo “moved [her] to tears” as she continued to grieve the loss. “[It’s] a testament of the love I have for him, the pain of the loss of him,” she said. “It’s a reminder that grief comes in unexpected waves, memories of the moments with him [are] all that remains. Four weeks today without him here with us. A lifetime of memories to hold sacred.”

Although Garrison was not Meri’s biological child, the two grew up in the same family, as Meri and Garrison’s mom, Janelle Brown, were in a plural marriage with Kody Brown. The women ended their relationships with the family patriarch, 55, in 2023 and 2022, respectively. Despite the recent strained dynamics in the Brown family, everyone came together in the aftermath of Garrison’s death.

“I got to see all of my family together for the first time in years,” Mykelti Brown said while discussing her half brother’s funeral in March. “Obviously, Garrison would’ve been happy by that.”

Several family members, including Meri, also attended a memorial service for Garrison in Nevada on March 24. “This was a beautiful moment for us,” Janelle, 54, shared on March 30. She also admitted that Garrison “would have loved” the celebration of life ceremony, which was hosted by the National Guard.

“It’s been hard to get my brain to work properly again,” Janelle added. “I am so grateful for the [outpouring] of love and support I’ve received these last three weeks. The support has been overwhelming. I am honored. So many of you shared stories of your loved ones. So many of you wrote of your thoughts and prayers. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

Janelle previously confirmed the news of her son’s death in an Instagram post on March 5. “Kody and I are deeply saddened to announce the loss of our beautiful boy Robert Garrison Brown,” she shared. “He was a bright spot in the lives of all who knew him. His loss will leave such a big hole in our lives that it takes our breath away. We ask that you please respect our privacy and join us in honoring his memory.”