Who knew she could do that?! Recently, Michelle Duggar celebrated her birthday, and Jinger Duggar took to Instagram to share a little celebratory post. It wasn’t the usual kind of celebratory video post of one of the Duggar kids talking to the camera to share happy birthday or anniversary or congratulations messages. Instead, it was a throwback video of Michelle — and she was speed-skating backwards with some awe-inspiring skill. Check out the video above to see Michelle’s moves

Honestly, we’re totally blown away by the clip. We knew that the mom of 19 was a cool girl back in the day, mowing the lawn in her bikini and rooting for the football team as a cheerleader, but we never imagined that she’d also be a dynamo out on the roller rink. And she’s doing it all in a long skirt after popping out more than a dozen children! It’s impressive AF, and fans think so, too. “Holy moly!! Look at her go!!” commented one Instagram user, with another joking, “Shoot I fall putting the skates on!”

Most fans were impressed that she’d kept her skills sharp for so many years, but others couldn’t help but notice and have questions about the whole thing. Like, aren’t the Duggars not really allowed to dance or listen to secular music or anything like that? Doesn’t this sort of fall into both of those categories? “Oh skate to music but they won’t dance to music ?” wrote one of Jinger’s followers. Others took to reddit to discuss the clip. 

“It kind of makes me sad because it’s a clear indicator that Michelle had a normal upbringing where she learned stuff like this,” commented a redditor. “She denied her kids the opportunity to experience the same stuff. And now she has to rub it into their faces with her sick rollerskating moves (to SECULAR music, no less!).” 

Another user was thinking along the same lines: “Imagine if she let any of [her daughters] have normal outlets and chances to socialize and be part of a larger world. Of course, it would be harder to maintain the brainwashing then. Better to keep them working their asses off for Dad’s profit and sleeping in their childhood rooms until they give up and marry just to have some freedom. Then the likelihood of a fast pregnancy and the arrival of children should keep them too busy to worry about ‘ideas’ and all those other dangerous things.”

That’s seriously harsh — but when we think of Jana Duggar stuck raising all her younger siblings and basically running the household, we can’t help but think that at least some of it rings true. She may be a 28-year-old adult, but it seems at this point that her only way out of sharing a room with her (literal) kid sisters is to have some guy put a ring on it. Michelle may have married young just like most of her older daughters — but at least she got to learn awesome skills like this and rock a bikini and makeout first. 

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