Two pre-teens in Central Florida came to school armed with knives on Oct. 23. Police say the middle schoolers, aged 11 and 12, intended to kill 15 or more of their younger classmates, and the plan only gets more horrifying from there.

Officials told the Orlando Sentinel that the two girls arrived at Bartow Middle School with knives, but luckily they were caught before they were able to hurt anyone. “School staff quickly responded to a report of suspicious behavior; the students were taken into custody, and no one was harmed,” said  school officials in a tweet. Their plan was shockingly morbid: they intended to wait in a bathroom for younger kids to enter, so they could overpower them, cut their throats, cut them into pieces, and drink their blood. After that they would commit suicide.

The kids told cops that they worship Satan, and that’s why they wanted to commit the heinous crimes. “The plan was to kill at least one student, but were hoping to kill anywhere from 15-25 students,” said the affidavit. “Killing all of these students was in hopes it would make them worse sinners ensuring that after they committed suicide… [they] would go to hell so they could be with Satan.” Apparently they came up with the idea while watching scary movies over the weekend, police said.

Thankfully, the girls’ plan was foiled when they didn’t show up for class on Oct. 23. Concerned administrators went looking for them, and found them camped out in one of the bathrooms. When they were brought back to the office, the school officials found that they had four knives, a knife sharpener, and a pizza cutter with them.

The two young women have been charged with conspiracy to commit first-degree murder, and possession of a weapon at a school, among more charges. So far, prosecutors have not decided whether the preteens will be charges as juveniles or adults, but the punishment could be very dire. One thing’s for sure: they will not be allowed back in school.