Losing weight is always easier when you have someone in your corner cheering you on — or in the case of Lori Balderrama and her husband, Oscar Balderrama, shedding pounds with you.

The married couple have found success using Nutrisystem’s Partner Plan, which is designed for those who want to embark on a weight loss journey together. “The reason that Nutrisystem attracted me versus other programs was that it was so easy for us to do it together as a team,” Oscar explained. “Nutrisystem jump-started our weight loss, and our motivation. And doing the program together was great; we actually credit each other — and Nutrisystem — with our success.”

How Couple Lori and Oscar Balderrama Lost a Combined 80 Lbs With Nutrisystem's Partner Plan

Oscar and Lori have lost 40 pounds each since starting the Partner Plan. The duo decided to make a change after realizing their diets weren’t ideal, but their main goal was to improve their health for their three kids. “I was actually a college athlete at one point, but I ended up gaining a lot of weight because our eating habits weren’t good,” Oscar said. “We used to eat out probably four out of seven days of the week.”

Lori noticed they’d both put on extra pounds after having their children, and she wanted to ensure she and Oscar are there for all of their milestones. “We started to realize that if we wanted to be there for them as we got older, we’d need to get healthy,” she explained.

The Partner Plan was appealing to the Balderramas because it didn’t involve counting calories or attending meetings. “Nutrisystem created the most workable solution for me,” Lori said. “It was so easy to stick with the program — the customizable food was really appetizing, and the online tracking tools, journals, and forums were addictive.”

How Couple Lori and Oscar Balderrama Lost a Combined 80 Lbs With Nutrisystem's Partner Plan 3

Oscar, for his part, loved the fact that the Partner Plan was something he and his wife could do together. “I knew the only way it would work was if we did it as a team — and I was right!” he told Closer. “I feel fantastic! I didn’t realize that weight loss could affect so many aspects of your life. I’m happier than I have ever been.”

Nutrisystem Before After

Oscar and Lori before and after using Nurtrisystem’s Partner Plan.

The couple are both more satisfied with their appearances now, but they’re also thrilled to have a more active lifestyle. “It’s almost like I had been living in a fog,” Lori recalled. “Now, I go swimming with my kids, I wear shorts, I coach my daughter’s volleyball team. I am actually participating in my life rather than just cheering on everyone else.”

For more information on how you can benefit from the Nutrisystem Partner Plan and to take advantage of the latest offers, visit Nutrisystem.com.