WTF is going on? Pamela Anderson is turning to the voice of reason that is Kanye West for help when it comes to freeing her rumored boyfriend Julian Assange. Yes, the Baywatch star thinks the rapper, who recently proclaimed that slavery was a choice, is the right person to handle the political asylum situtation the WikiLeaks founder is currently in.

“Hi Kanye. Hope you are well I was wondering about your thoughts on Julian Assange,” she wrote in an open letter. “I support him and I know you value Free Speech —Visibility is good for him especially in America. Where they are trying to put him away for life or worse for exposing corruption in governments.” To recap, Julian has been living in the Ecuadorean embassy in London for the past six years after leaking classified documents provided to him by former U.S. soldier Chelsea Manning.

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“He is genius. A real world leader that young people love,” she pleaded. “Public support could set him free. Media is monopolized so some brave voices are the only Hope to break through.” And unlike practically everyone, Pamela is a fan of Kanye’s recent Twitter rants. “You speak your mind,” Pamela explained. “And you make an impact. I’m sure a lot of people feel like you — They just are stuck in what society says is OK to say.”

This is not the first open letter Pamela has written to the Kardashian-West family. Last year, the PETA advocate wrote a similar note to Kim Kardashian to beg her to stop wearing fur, which she recently has. “I know your young fans would admire you and your brand even more if you dropped fur,” Pamela wrote, along with sending a faux fur coat to the reality star. “As we all ponder New Year’s resolutions, won’t you consider making a meaningful one to stop wearing fur? You’d be setting a trendy, compassionate example.”

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Pamela, who has reportedly been dating Julian for over a year, called the controversial figure “one of my favorite people” in the past and has been spotted at the Ecuadorian embassy more than once with food for her boo. “My relationship with Julian — It’s no secret, he is one of my favorite people — and he might be the most famous, most politicized refugee of our time,” she posted on her website. “Famous for being persecuted. Famous for being persecuted is not a position of power but a position of vulnerability. I am concerned.”

West/Anderson 2024?