During part one of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills reunion, which aired last night, fireworks erupted when the tension between former besties Lisa Vanderpump and Kyle Richards reached the boiling point. “We haven’t spoken since it was taped,” Kyle confirms in the new issue of In Touch, of the early March reunion taping.
As viewers watched the feud unfold, Lisa claimed Kyle only got close to Lisa’s sworn enemy, Adrienne Maloof, because Kyle wanted her husband, Mauricio, to sell Adrienne’s $26 million mansion.

“For her to say that is ridiculous,” Kyle exclusively tells In Touch, on newsstands now. “It was a low blow.”

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Kyle believes the animosity started after last season’s reunion taping. “Lisa has never let go of the fact that I didn’t defend her on the reunion last year,” Kyle says of Lisa and Adrienne’s heated feud. “I’m still being punished one year later for not jumping in.”

Lisa defends herself to In Touch, explaining her actions seen on last night’s reunion. “I don’t consider Kyle to be a loyal and supportive friend,” Lisa laments, adding, “She had a passive-aggressive stance against me all season. Last year I was blindsided during the reunion so this time I was there to be on the offensive."

For more on the feud – including exclusive quotes from Lisa on her side of the story – pick up this week’s issue of In Touch, on newsstands now.