Telling all. Renée Ash made headlines for her affair with Addison Rae‘s father, Monty Lopez, after going public about their romance in July. Now, she’s sharing how she “would love to talk” to his family — Lopez’s wife, Sheri Easterling, and his TikTok star daughter, Addison — in an exclusive interview with In Touch.

“I know what happened, everyone around me knows the truth of what happened and if they wanted to talk to me, great,” Ash, 25, says. “I don’t want to involve myself in their lives with all these false ideas any more than what they have.”

Ash explains to In Touch that she was “under the impression” Lopez, 46, and Easterling, 42, were “together for their public image and for business,” but Lopez had assured her he was in the process of getting a divorce.

“I’m sure you’ve seen screenshots of text messages he’s sent me,” she explains, referring to the leaked private messages she shared with Page Six. “He said the longer we hold out on being private and keep up with the ‘facade,’ the bigger the checks will be. It is my understanding that he’s been in L.A. for two years. Him and Sheri have not had a proper relationship in I think longer than that.”

When asked if she had tried to reach out to Easterling after learning that Lopez had lied about the status of their marriage, Ash tells In Touch, “Definitely not, because this man has done damage to his family, to me. I don’t want to disturb them any more than they are disturbed already. Not to make it about me, but I am also dealing with a lot of hate and a breakup.”

Ash confirms she and Lopez “started hanging out back in February,” and she was never put off by their 20-year age difference. “Usually I’m OK dating older men, it was a little bit weird for me, but I fell in love with him as a person, not necessarily for any other reason,” she says of the Bam Social entrepreneur.​​ “We started hanging out as friends and I don’t know what happened. I don’t go for looks ever. I’m questioning why this personality is something I fell for. It’s weird, but age is just a number. All the women in my family have married older men.”

Ash recalls the moment when things between her and Lopez “turned romantic” after a night out with friends.

“Everybody went back to his house and wanted to go to a club after and I was way too tired. He put me into his guest room and everybody went out. He didn’t try anything and it was respectful and I appreciated that,” she says. “After that, we started hanging out as friends with this other couple. I don’t know, we just got along. We both have the same inappropriate sense of humor and could just talk non-stop about really stupid stuff.”

As their relationship progressed, Lopez did not make it a point to hide his relationship with Ash and would introduce her as his girlfriend. “I wasn’t a secret besides to the public, outside of L.A., from what I was under the impression of,” she adds.

During their relationship, Lopez even introduced Ash to his mother, Irma, and his brother. “We were in the South of France together and we were sitting on a bench and he was FaceTiming his mom, and we were on the FaceTime together and chatting with her,” Ash recalls. “And then he also told me over text on WhatsApp that Irma knows all about me and he can’t wait for our moms to meet. Since the beginning, even when we were just friendly, me and him would FaceTime his younger brother in the middle of the night to laugh about it. Because he is in Louisiana, so it’s a few hours later, and it would just be this hilarious thing because he would open one eye and have the light on and would have no idea why we were calling. I’ve chatted with him since then over Instagram, he knew who I was and it wasn’t a secret. Monty would visit Louisiana and FaceTime me around his brother and around his friends.”

Monty Lopez Affair: Addison Rae Dad's Cheating Drama Updates
Courtesy of Monty Lopez/Instagram; Shutterstock (Inset); Renee Ash/Instagram (Inset)

However, Ash ended her relationship with Lopez after she learned that not only was he still married, but that he had also allegedly been seeing other women. “The whole time that we were together, he was in Europe for about a month, and I was with him for about a week during that,” the social media influencer shares. “The whole time he was there he was like, ‘Please don’t drink too much, don’t blackout. I can’t lose you over a silly mistake. You’ll never have to worry about me cheating because I turn into an asshole when I’m drunk.’ He brought it up to a point where it’s like, this has to be a projection. I get that he’s insecure about it, he doesn’t want me to cheat on him, but why is he saying it so much and so often.”

Two weeks prior to exposing their affair, Ash’s friend’s boyfriend died by suicide. Ash had spent a week with her friend and her friend’s mother, as her pal was in L.A. for a photo shoot — which is how she learned Lopez was allegedly seeing other women.

“He sent me a screenshot of a TikTok tearoom Instagram, I don’t even know. And it said in the comments like, ‘Monty FaceTimes a 19-year-old asking for screenshots,'” she says. “And it said other things about young girls, and I was like, ‘OK, I wouldn’t be surprised if something was being said about me, because we go out in public together, we go to events together, take pictures whatever.’ But then I asked him about that and he said, ‘Don’t believe anything you read.’ And then the video comes out where he’s trying to screenshot some 19-year-old and he told me, ‘That’s not me in the video.’ I know your voice, I know what you look like, of course it’s you. And then more videos were coming out of him touching people. On the Fourth of July, I heard that he was talking to some girl in a way that if I spoke to a guy that way, he would threaten to break up with me.”

After Ash split from Lopez and came forward about their affair, Easterling spoke out about her husband’s cheating scandal in a statement via Instagram and changed her bio to reveal that she is currently single.

As for Lopez, Ash admits she feels “beyond embarrassed” about their relationship. “I also was told yesterday that he’s been telling people that we have an open relationship this whole time, meanwhile he would say how exclusive we are and how he wants a family and when the divorce is finalized, we’re going to the altar,” she says. “That he’s going to make me his fiancée. Boys will have his name, girls will have mine. All this love bombing stuff, and gaslit me so good. I am so embarrassed that I was with this guy, being loyal to him, after him being so insecure and me being like, ‘Babe, it’s OK, you have nothing to worry about. I’m with you.'”

Lopez has not yet responded to In Touch‘s request for comment.