Congratulations are in order! Sabrina Burkholder shared some big news with her friends and family via social media, revealing that she’s pregnant with baby No. 3. The Return to Amish star gave an exciting update on Jan. 6, and she spilled when her bundle of joy is due. Spoiler: it’s very soon!

“I had no idea a tiny little baby could have such strong little legs and arms,” the reality star captioned her post on Facebook. “My other two were nothing like this. This child definitely takes after his ambitious father.” Sabrina continued about her bouncing baby boy, “He will not let me sleep. I have to lay here and talk to him for a while before he calms down… Like what is so entertaining about being inside of a uterus? It’s like he thinks he can claw his way out or something. But I love every single second of it. #mommyslittlewiggleworm.”

Sabrina revealed that the father of her child is is a man named Jethro, who she has been involved with for some time. The reality star is very far along and feels like “she’s ready to pop” according to her latest status. “I’m due in March, but I think it’ll be earlier than my due date honestly,” Sabrina dished while responding to a fan in the comments.

The pregnant star has faced her fair share of trials and tribulations ever since she left her Mennonite community in 2012, as documented on TLC’s series Breaking Amish. Most recently, Sabrina returned for the new season of the spin-off series Return To Amish. Some fans are expressing their concern about Sabrina’s past as she has been in and out of jail, struggled with heroin addiction, and just last year she confirmed that she signed away custody of her two daughters Oakley and Arianna. They were later adopted by their father’s sister.

In response to the nay-sayers, Sabrina replied, “I’ve always been honest about the fact that I’ve been far from perfect. I messed up a lot. All I can do is try again. Which is what I’m doing,” she wrote. “I do not believe in abortion. I believe in being the woman and mother God called me to be. It took me awhile to get to where I’m at. But you know what? It is not your job to convict me or throw my mistakes in my face. You are not God. Pray for me instead and I will pray for you.”