Actress and Harvey Weinstein accuser Rose McGowan recently spoke with The New Yorker to tell her side of the story about her recent drug charges. The 44-year-old Italian born star expanded upon the incident that took place on the night of Jan. 20, after landed at Dulles International Airport in Virginia to attend the Women’s March in Washington, D.C. the next day.

Unfortunately for the star, airport personnel discovered her wallet on the plane with two small bags of a white powder which was later identified as cocaine. “The police officers and magistrate were very polite and kind,” she explained. But, she doubted the legitimacy of the situation. Airport police detective Jerrod Hughes called her and asked her to come collect the wallet without mentioning anything about the cocaine. Since she had recently accused a studio-head of rape (who she recently admitted was Harvey Weinstein), she decided to attend the Women’s March because she was scared that she was being followed by private investigators hired by Harvey.

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(Photo Credit: Getty Images)

The next day, she received an Instagram direct message: “You left your wallet on your Saturday flight with your 2 bags of coke.” She had no idea who sent it and then the account was later deactivated. On Feb. 1, 2017, the Magistrate’s Office in Loudoun County, Virginia, issued a felony warrant for her arrest. “I was going to asap,” she admitted. But, fear stopped her. “Things started to get really weird. I knew I was being followed and that I wasn’t safe. I even hired a private investigator to investigate whether the warrant was real.”

However, on Nov. 14, 2017, the actress decided to turn herself in. She doesn’t deny that she’s used drugs in the past but insists that was not her cocaine. She and her attorney argue that the drugs may have been planted. since there was a hige time gap between when she lost her wallet and when it was reported foudn. “I own stock in a marijuana company, so that’s my jam,” she said. “Imagining I’m going into sisterly solidarity, I can think of nothing more opposed to that, energetically, that I would want in my body at that moment.” She will be arraigned on the morning of Nov. 16, and not surprisingly added,“I will clearly plead not guilty.”

Watch the video below to see Harvey’s response to his allegations.