Someone had to put an end to her Twitter rants! Known for being the sour half-sister to Meghan Markle looking to cash in on the new royal, Samantha Markle has been pretty quiet on social lately — something very out of her character. It was first reported on Wednesday, August 8, that the bitter sister’s Twitter account was suspended. Makes sense.

Samantha Markle Twitter Account Suspended

At this time, it is unclear why the account was suspended or why the usually chatty sis, 54, has gone silent. Could this be the Queen’s doing? Although that’s highly unlikely, let’s not rule it out. For safekeeping, it appears that Samantha has made two back up accounts that are currently private, @SammyMarkle1 and @MarkleSammyM.

Samantha has been known to shade the new royal, 38, all over town and isn’t camera shy. Last February, Sammy took to Twitter to add her two cents on Meghan writing words of affirmation on bananas that she and Prince Harry later delivered to sex workers. “If she can say ‘you are strong, you are brave, you are special’ on a banana to a sex worker, she can say ‘you are strong, you are wonderful, and you are special and I love you’ on a banana … to our father. Just my humble opinion,” wrote the disgruntled sister.

Samantha Markle Twitter Account Suspended

Meghan has never publicly acknowledged her sister’s constant bashing and public appearances. In March 2019, Sam continued her tirade and stated in a documentary, “She doesn’t have a heart or she would [have] been doing everything she could to make [our dad] comfortable and reciprocate and be loving and gracious and make sure he’s comfortable in his old age. … His heart’s broken. She can’t turn herself into the victim here.”

She continued to state that her frustrations are in regard to Meghan’s treatment towards their father stating, “there are a lifespan of pictures and experiences together, so maybe it’s convenient for her, that in her mind, she doesn’t know us because she doesn’t want to because she wants [to take] center stage.” She continued, “I wasn’t maliciously lying. I was pointing out what the world was already seeing. I pointed out that humanitarians don’t treat their father coldly. Was that a lie? No, because the world watched it happen to my dad, and the world watched her do it.”

Samantha Markle Twitter Account Suspended
Daily Mirror/Mirrorpix/MEGA