Be careful, Scott Disick, or you just might drive away your super hot teenage girlfriend Sofia Richie! The duo was reportedly out “party-hopping” in Aspen, Colorado on New Year’s Eve, and it was all fun and games until Sofia ran into her hunky ex-boyfriend Lewis Hamilton.

The Formula One driver was allegedly involved in a $100,000 pool game with Brandon Davis (known as Greasy Bear back in the day when he used to party with Paris Hilton.) So, he was already looking like a baller when Sofia decided to say a quick hello.

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“Sofia started talking to Lewis during the [pool] game,” a source tells Page Six on Jan. 5. Unfortunately, old Scotty Boy didn’t feel as friendly. “When Scott saw them talking, he went ballistic, crazy. He was very jealous. He insisted they leave the party immediately.”

Though Scott was out of his mind, Lewis couldn’t have been cooler. “Although Mr. Hamilton was in Aspen for the holiday, there was no jealousy, no fight, and no issue,” said his lawyer. “Rather, as Ms. Richie has herself confirmed, there was a perfectly friendly, polite exchange and any claim to the contrary is simply false.”

It sounds like Scott and Sofia‘s romance is tumultuous at best. [Page Six] also reported that they fought at Art Basel the month below. The pair was reportedly “arguing and definitely in a fight. He grabbed her neck to try and kiss her, and she wasn’t having it.” Perhaps their age difference, plus Scott’s immaturity is coming to bother Sofia the way it bothered Kourtney Kardashian. Keep it together, bro!