FOX News firebrand Sean Hannity is desperate to mask his aging mug — but the insecure 62-year-old’s over-the-top face paint has made him a laughingstock with viewers and around the office water cooler, sources spill exclusively to In Touch.

“Sean’s gotten puffier and more wrinkled with success, and he’s trying to overcompensate for it by slathering on the makeup,” squeals an insider. “He gets the makeup people to put extra layers of foundation on his face and neck — all the way up to the hair roots.”

The tipster tattles the haughty host’s show, Hannity, may still be one of the network’s highest-rated programs, but it’s “laughable” how much work goes into making the conservative analyst camera-ready!

However, the snarky spy adds, “The results speak for themselves.” Multiple critics have called out the newsman for his vanity — and his skin’s resemblance to the tangerine tan sported by his pal, former President Donald Trump!

Hannity recently posted a clip from his show on social media about a poll finding Republican Trump’s approval rating is rising among Democrats in this year’s race for the White House. But the video prompted one viewer to snicker, “Does Hannity think wearing that heavy orange makeup will make Trump like him more?”

Another jokes, “Looks like Hannity has been getting makeup tips from his orange master.”

Meanwhile, a third eagle-eyed commenter asks, “What happened to Hannity’s face? Puffy and heavy makeup. Just getting weirder by the week.”

A Fox source pushed back and said Sean doesn’t wear anything other than basic powder for the camera and usually does his own make up.

As In Touch has previously reported, sources squeal Hannity is far from popular among his FOX colleagues, who were thrilled to learn he was leaving New York to broadcast from his $5.3 million Palm Beach townhouse! The insider adds, “His co-workers are appalled by Sean’s excessive cosmetics, but he continues to do it. No one blames him for wanting to look younger — but he seems to be going about it the wrong way.”

Hannity is also known for indulging in some questionable habits. Three years ago, he was caught vaping on live TV. As his show came back from a commercial break, the prime-time king had his glasses on and an electronic cigarette dangling from his lips — until an off-camera staffer stage whispered, “Sean! Sean!”

The former stogie sucker twitched to attention, quickly discarded the e-cig and said, “Uh-oh. Now our villain for the day!”