This is such sad news. On January 19, the Briney family took to their family blog to announce that they will not be returning for Season 2 of Seeking Sister Wife. Why? Because according to the update, April allegedly left the family, and it was a very “traumatic experience” for them all. Even though they would not go into too much detail, the family claimed that the situation involving April is the reason TLC “pulled” them from the series.

Drew Briney and his wives April, Auralee and Angela, all starred on Season 1 of the reality series, along with their 13 children. But now, April and her kids are supposedly estranged from the rest of the family. “Without getting into many details here, simply put, April left our family and took Drew’s and her children out of state (back to Utah) under the pretext of taking them for a local hike not far from our Oregon home. She never came back,” Angela, Drew and Auralee shared in the blog post.

They also shared that April would not “accept any communication for the first month or so,” and that the whole thing happened the first week of filming the season. “The grief and heartache those of us left behind have been experiencing has been excruciating,” they explained. We can see why that would be tough to share with the world.


“It would be many months before we could even have open communication with any of the children and seven months before we would even get to see them,” the Brineys continued. The family shared that it was both hard and “therapeutic” to be filmed during such a rough time.

But it sounds like they were filming throughout the ordeal, so why aren’t the Brineys coming back to the reality show after all? “The network had a very unique opportunity to tell a story that’s never been told before — that of the family left behind when a plural wife leaves. But again, we agree that this heavy of a story was not a good fit for this platform,” they explained.

It’s the network’s call in the end, and it sounds like TLC made the decision that the experience was just not one they wanted to include in the show. “Perhaps we’ll be able to tell our story another way,” the blog post concluded. Fans will just have to wait and see.