Seeking Sister Wife star Nathalia called out Garrick Merrifield when she learned that he was still using dating apps.

After meeting up with Garrick, 40, and wife Dannielle Merrifield in Cancun, Mexico, to discuss potentially joining their polygamous family, Nathalia confronted him about his active profile on a dating app during the Monday, March 25, episode.

You told me that you are no longer on a dating site, but I can see that you are still,” she told him while using a communication app.Garrick looked shocked by the accusations, though Dannielle, 36, was seemingly less surprised by the claims.

Garrick insisted he is “not continuing to look” for another wife before he tried to show Nathia that his dating app subscription had been canceled. However, she pointed out that he is listed as “still available in the app” despite no longer having the upgraded membership.

“When [Garrick] first asked me to date him, he said he would get off all dating platforms,” Nathalia, who was considering moving from Brazil to the United States to join the family, said in a confessional. “It was not me who requested this. Actually, I didn’t even know he used those platforms.”

She added that she was “surprised” to find the dating app on his phone while using the translation app. “It was a bit stressful because I thought he wasn’t being totally honest with me, since he was the one who proposed deleting those apps to start with,” Nathalia said.

Dannielle also confronted Garrick about still using the dating app, noting that he “knew” other users could still see his profile and message him.

“I’m not sure what to do. I mean, I’m being cornered by these two women, and they are livid,” Garrick said in a confessional. “This is not a comfortable situation. I’m like ignoring it, trying to ignore it.”

Dannielle explained she previously suggested that Garrick should delete the app before they met Nathalia in person, though he claimed wasn’t on board with the idea. “I said that to him in Colorado and he disagreed with me, but as soon as Nathalia says it, it’s no problem,” she complained about her husband in a confessional. “It’s like what? It feels like a huge lack of respect. It does not feel good at all.”

Seeking Sister Wife's Nathalia Calls Out Garrick for Still Using Dating App: ‘A Bit Stressful’

Another conflict the couple faced during the episode arose when Nathalia claimed that Dannielle was “afraid” to have another wife join their family after Roberta Rodriguez left her and Garrick.

While she initially denied making the comments, Dannielle finally admitted she was hesitant to become close with another potential wife and then have her leave them.

“I was trying to do was express how I feel about things. I know Nathalia’s not Roberta,” she tearfully said in a confessional. “It’s just … when you trust something with all your heart and they trample it, it’s just … I’ve never had that feeling before. Ever. And that’s devastating.”