YouTuber Shane Dawson is beyond furious on Jan. 10. A random fan account put out an edited video in which Shawn made jokes about being a pedophile, and took his words out of context to make it sound like he was calling babies "sexy." He has since released a 15-minute video apologizing for the immature jokes that he made in a podcast six years ago, but making it very clear that none of it is even remotely true. "I am not a f—king pedophile," he says repeatedly, insisting that the accusations are "disgusting."

Shane says that back when he said those things, he was insecure, and was trying to make people laugh by shocking them. "I loved the feeling of making somebody shocked and laugh because they couldn't believe what was coming out of my mouth. I wasn't confident enough to make smart jokes. I was doing s–t that was racially insensitive, homophobic, fat-shaming. I was doing some f–ked up comedy stuff that I'm not proud of. I've changed so much as a person." Speaking of the original clip, which he played in full, he says "That clip wasn't funny, but when I play that clip you can hear my co-host laughing. That clip started circulating today but they cut it up. First of all, that's illegal, you can't say that someone's a pedophile and say you have proof when they are not."

On Twitter, Shane included another brief statement, saying "I grew up. I changed my content. I apologized countless times for my s—ty offensive jokes. Instead of dragging me down people should use me as an example of a creator who can CHANGE and better themselves and their content. I’m so proud of who I am today."

Fans and fellow YouTubers immediately began defending Shane. "I see Shane Dawson is trending. I am glad many of the tweets are defending him. Shane is a wonderful person and a gifted comedian/author. Move along. Nothing to see here," said Michael Buckley.

Others quickly began comparing the situation to Logan Paul's suicide forest controversy, and insisting that this is different. "Logan Paul is the person who filmed a dead body and laughed and horrified many fans, Shane Dawson made a young girl dream come true, he also has talked about Hollywood objectifying children and how disgusting & horrible child molestation is and how it makes him sick to his stomach," said a fan. We respect Shane for admitting his jokes were wrong and immediately apologizing.