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The 11 Stages of Being a Single Girl on New Year’s Eve, As Told by Liz Lemon

New Year’s Eve is pretty much the worst holiday known to mankind. How many other days do you count down for it to be done already and then celebrate once it’s over?!

NYE is even worse if you’re single. Y’know — because you celebrate the day finally ending by kissing someone.

Fortunately — we found someone who knows your Single Lady Struggle — 30 Rock’s own Liz Lemon.

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liz lemon

While most of us would probably rather ring in the New Year workin’ on our night cheese — that’s probably not the case. Because, much like a Liz Lemon party, people seem to think New Year’s Eve plans are mandatory.

We feel ya. More importantly, Liz feels ya.

Check out the 11 stages that every single girl goes through on NYE!