Mom-shamers, back off! Sister Wives star Maddie Brown is still adjusting to her new role as a mom of two after welcoming her daughter, Evangalynn, with husband Caleb Brush in August, but she is confident in her parenting skills. So much that she took to Instagram on Saturday, October 5, to intelligently clap back at the parent police after they shamed her for allowing her 2-year-old son to continue to use a pacifier.

“Axel’s paci is a hot topic and I receive countless PMs, comments and all of it. People are just trying to be helpful, I get that. It’s not helpful though, it makes me feel worse because he was [weaned] at one point. It’s something I set up evaluations for, talk to his teachers about, talk to his doctors about because I get so much flack on here it stresses me out that much.”

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Axel's paci is a hot topic and I receive countless PM's, comments and all of it. People are just trying to be helpful, I get that. Its not helpful though, it makes me feel worse because he was weened at one point. Its something I set up evaluations for, talk to his teachers about, talk to his doctors about because I get so much flack on here it stresses me out that much. . Axel was weened from his paci before Evie was born. 100%. Its something you can actually see the evolution of on my feed and story archives. When she was born it was the ONE THING he regressed on! . Trust me, I did everything to fight it. I took this picture to send to my mom, that we were finally done fighting, after Axel walked around for 3 hours crying till he threw up. We both had melted downs, my house was DESTROYED from him looking for it (because he knows where we hide it) and all the other things you can imagine. After that I talked to his pediatrician (again), the medical professional who ACTUALLY KNOWS AXEL AND WHERE AXEL IS AT IN HIS LIFE. His Doctor said its not something I shouldn't be stressing about during this transition time for our family. Its something we are going to start slowly with when things are a little less fresh. . He doesn't have it at school, he's as verbal as they expect, he is learning and there are no serious red flags. If there was and he still had it in and the people in his life said it was OK, guess what, he would still have it! . Our transition from 1-2 has kicked my a**. I know it does so many other moms as well! I hear it! Adding all the stress of your opinions about my child paci does not help and it makes me want to snap back with so much worse than I do and stop showing my life. . I KNOW I am not the only mom who receives advice that is only meant to help but it ends up not being helpful at all. We as moms have enough guilt. Chances are, what you are about to say, has already been said to them 10000x by someone else just coming from a loving place as well. Unless the advice is asked for, just be supportive of the decisions being made. Its really that simple I promise. We are all trying out best here! 💚💚💚

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Maddie, 23, went on to explain that her son was “100 %” weaned off of his pacifier before his little sister was born. But Axel regressed after he became a big brother, which is quite common for a child who is adjusting to a new role as an older sibling.

“When she was born it was the ONE THING he regressed on!” Maddie continued. “Trust me, I did everything to fight it. I took this picture to send to my mom, that we were finally done fighting, after Axel walked around for 3 hours crying till he threw up. We both had melted downs, my house was DESTROYED from him looking for it (because he knows where we hide it) and all the other things you can imagine.”

The reality star said she consulted with Axel’s pediatrician, and the doctor told her his pacifier habit was not something to be worried about, especially since they are still transitioning into a family of four. Maddie also said they will revisit weaning sometime in the future after Axel adjusts to the new baby.

“He doesn’t have it at school, he’s as verbal as they expect, he is learning and there are no serious red flags. If there was and he still had it in and the people in his life said it was OK, guess what, he would still have it!” she said, defending her son.

Maddie admitted the transition from being a mom of one to being a mom of two “has kicked my ass,” and she warned fans that their unsolicited advice is adding so much stress that she is contemplating not sharing any details of her life on social media.

“I KNOW I am not the only mom who receives advice that is only meant to help but it ends up not being helpful at all,” Maddie added. “We as moms have enough guilt. Chances are, what you are about to say, has already been said to them 10000x by someone else just coming from a loving place as well. Unless the advice is asked for, just be supportive of the decisions being made. Its really that simple I promise. We are all trying out best here! 💚💚💚.” Well said, mama!