She’s over it. Maddie Brown shared a pregnancy update to her Instagram Story on June 10, and the Sister Wives star made it clear she is more than ready to have her second child already. “I am about 98 percent done mentally with being pregnant,” she captioned the photo, which featured herself along with her husband, Caleb Brush, and their son, Axel.

Maddie, 23, is one of Janelle and Kody Brown’s daughters. She was also the first of their kids to get married and to have a grandchild in the Brown family. And as excited as she likely is to welcome their new addition, we don’t blame her for being over expecting again — she looked seriously uncomfortable in the pic.

maddie brown
Courtesy of Madison Brown/Instagram

Maddie and Caleb, 32, announced they were expecting their second baby on January 25. “I am really excited,” the reality TV mama told People. “This pregnancy feels less real for some reason, but I am still over the moon! I have no idea what I think it is. I’ll just be happy with a healthy baby.”

Before long, the couple did find out whether they were adding a boy or girl to their little family. The couple took to Instagram with a super cute gender reveal on April 16, and wrote, “Looks like it’s going to be little hair bows! 😊💮🌺. Baby GIRL Brush will join us mid-August!” Maddie and Caleb apparently revealed the sex of the baby over Skype for their Arizona loved ones, and Maddie said her large family “was a 50/50 split of people who guessed girl and people who guessed boy.”

Back on May 26, the Sister Wives daughter offered another update on her pregnancy for her social media followers. “Officially third trimester,” she wrote on Instagram at the time. “This pregnancy has flown by!” So it seems like her feelings have changed just a little in the past couple of weeks. This pregnant mama is ready to meet her baby, so we hope the rest of her pregnancy runs smoothly and is over before she knows it.