She wants all the mamas out there to feel supported! Sister Wives star Maddie Brown shared an empowering message for fellow mothers on Instagram on October 7, and it deserves all the awards. “You do you Momma! 💚” she wrote. “I mean that in literally the best way! You do what’s best for you. Trust me, I struggle remembering this sometimes!”

Maddie, 23, continued, “Yesterday I posted about Axel’s paci and it blew up! I had HUGE amounts of love sent our way! I also had an enormous amount of MOMS reach out to say that they thought they were the only ones. A lot of moms tell me they had the same issues and had heard the same things I have.” She’s likely referring to the clapback she offered up when she took to Instagram on October 5 after she was parent-shamed for letting her 2-year-old son continue using a pacifier.

maddie brown selfie with her kids axel and evie
Courtesy of Maddie Brown/Instagram

Kody and Janelle Brown’s daughter went on to write, “I hope my raw and ‘shove it’ post helped other moms, who are in the trenches and may be struggling, to know that we are all a mess just living day to day here. 😂 Or at least I am. Sometimes I let things get the better of me. Too often I get on Instagram and feel like I am doing something wrong. I have to remind myself Instagram is a highlight real. We all post the VERY best of ourselves and forget that others are doing the same. We get caught up on the picture perfectness of it all. That one top of keyboard warriors who feel they know it all.”

She added, “I wanted to say thank you for the validation and love! Sometimes the reassurance is nice! I posted because I KNEW I could not be the only one who was going through the same thing! There had to be people out there struggling too! It looks like there definitely is. You do you, momma! 💚 Basically my new mantra. I might repeat it cathartically the next few years.😂”

Fans in the comments absolutely loved Maddie’s inspirational message. “You’re rocking it mama 💕” one person wrote. Another said, “Yesssss 💕💕 you know what’s best for your babies. #mumsstandtogether.” You’ve got this, Maddie! Thanks for reminding other moms that they do, too.