She’s just feeling a lot. Mariah Brown shared a long Instagram post reflecting on her birthday on Monday, July 29, and it’s a little alarming at first glance. “I spent my 24th birthday crying,” she began the post, but then continued, “Not for any bad reason. Nothing is really that wrong. But I’m another year older and I’ve done a lot of growing this year.”

The Sister Wives star went on to write, “I learned more this year than any others that it is okay for me to feel my f–king feelings. One of my yoga teachers taught us at ytt [Yoga Teacher Training] the importance of inviting all of our emotions equally into our home for a dinner party. Audrey [Kriss] pointed out that sadness just really needed some attention at the dinner party today. All of that being said, 23 was an amazing year and I’m so proud of my growth. I will always be a student of life and I am so excited for what 24 has in store. But until then, catch me eating my weight in carbs of all kinds — including but not limited to all of the fruit #fruitarian #birthdays #queerbirthdays #growth.” That’s a very wise statement to make if you ask us.

Mariah’s mother, Meri Brown, and her fiancée Audrey had much more cheery tributes in honor of the Chicago student’s birthday. “10:02 a.m., July 29, 1995, best moment of my life!” her mom started her birthday post to her daughter. “This beautiful and amazing person came into my life, and I knew a love that only a mom can know. I have loved watching her grow into such an amazing and wonderful person, loving herself and owning the person that she is. Words can’t express how proud I am of her, how amazed I am by her, or how much I love her. Thank you, Mariah, for being the awesome person that you are! Happy birthday @mariahbrwn!! I love you more than you know! 🌞🌞🌞 #Daughter #LifeFulfilled.”


Audrey, on the other hand, wrote, “Happy birthday babe ♥️. Thank you for being so kind, caring, genuine and YOU. Laughing with you all the time is one of the best things in life. I love this adventure with you and can’t wait to marry you!! I love you so damn much ♥️. Let’s go do SoulCycle or yoga or get coffee or whatever healthy thing you want to do today lol ♥️😂😉” She also added two fun graphics of the couple together and added, “Also I made these things 😊.” Mariah is a very lucky girl indeed to have all that love coming her way on her birthday, and if she got a little emotional at some point in that 24-hour period, that’s perfectly OK.

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