She’s not going to apologize for being who she is. Meri Brown shared a quote and image about not being “perfect” on her Instagram Story on August 9, and honestly? All power to her. “At the end of the day, I’m a good woman,” the statement began. “I’m not perfect by any means but my intentions are good, my heart is pure and I love hard with everything I’ve got and because of those things … I’m worth it. Always have been and always will be.” You tell ’em, Meri!

The 48-year-old reality star often shares similar sentiments to her Story. But some of the statements raise eyebrows more than others do … like the time she posted an image that read, “Never water yourself down just because someone can’t handle you at 100 proof.” Hmm.

meri brown quote about not being perfect
Courtesy of Meri Brown/Instagram

On August 6, Meri also shared a graphic about being a Capricorn that said, “Most Capricorns can admit they’ve been called every name in the book simply because they ‘appeared’ mean or bossy. No, they just have a strong personality that is less tolerant of the crap people tend to dish out.” Hey, there’s nothing wrong with that.

Of course, there are other times Meri simply offers updates on her life or sweet messages about members of her Sister Wives family. For instance, she shared a really lovely shout-out to her daughterMariah Brown, for her birthday via Instagram on July 29. “This beautiful and amazing person came into my life, and I knew a love that only a mom can know,” part of the message said. “I have loved watching her grow into such an amazing and wonderful person, loving herself and owning the person that she is. Words can’t express how proud I am of her, how amazed I am by her, or how much I love her.” She also posted a few throwback photos of her kid to her Instagram Story for good measure. See? Social media doesn’t have to be all bad!


Lately, a lot of what Meri shares on Instagram involves her “grand-dogs” or her clothing business. But every now and then, she shares an empowering message like the one above. Nothing wrong with spreading a little positivity and confidence, right?

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