It's been just two months since In Touch exclusively broke the news that porn star Stormy Daniels had an affair with president Donald Trump. Since then, people have been wanting to know what exactly went down between the two in that Lake Tahoe hotel room in 2006 — like whether or not a sex tape exists. In an interview with MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace on Wednesday, Stormy's lawyer, Michael Avenatti, opened up about the matter.

"You said it's not just words — I mean, is there a sex tape?" Nicolle repeated, "Is there a sex tape?"

"I'm not going to answer that," Michael said, to which she pressed again, "Could there be a sex tape?"

"Could be. Might be. Would be. Could be. Who knows?" he responded.

Nicolle circled back to the question towards the end of the interview after Micahel said that "few things would make" him happier than having the White House deny that Trump was intimate with Stormy. He insisted he could "100 percent" prove that the pair had relations.

"With videos, and texts, and images?" she grilled. "I applaud your efforts. No comment," Michael concluded.

Weeks ahead of the 2016 election, Donald Trump's personal lawyer wired $130,000 to the adult film actress in order to keep her affair with the president under wraps. Earlier this week, the 38-year-old actress (real name is Stephanie Clifford) offered to return the "hush money" in order to speak freely about her affair with the president.

According to the letter — obtained by countless media outlets — the contract ensuring Stormy's silence would be "deemed null and void" once she returns the payment. In the offer submitted by Stormy's attorney, she would be allowed to "(a) speak openly and freely about her prior relationship with the President and the attempts to silence her and (b) use and publish any text messages, photos, and/or videos relating to the President that she may have in possession, all without fear of retribution and/or legal liability for damages."

Since then, she's raised more than $100,000 to take down the President. "I am attempting to speak honestly and openly to the American people about my relationship with now President Donald Trump, as well as the intimidation and tactics that he, together with his attorney Michael Cohen, have used to silence me," she wrote on the Crowd Justice page.