Episode 10 of Survivor season 46 saw a major outburst from a player after the reward challenge. Who went home at the end of the episode? And why did a hamburger cause some drama among the players?

Liz Screamed at the Players During an Outburst at the Reward Challenge

After last week’s tribal council, Liz was ticked off because there was a split of votes between Q and Hunter. In case you missed it, Hunter ended up going home in episode 9 after a revote, breaking the hearts of millions of viewers. Chatter continued at camp following Hunter’s elimination, with Maria planting seeds about getting rid of Tiff at the next tribal council.

At the episode 10 reward challenge, host Jeff Probst pointed out that the players all looked “visibly smaller.” Charlie admitted that every time he stood up, he felt like he was “about to faint.” Jeff let everyone know that the reward for the challenge was a meal from Applebees, in what he dramatically deemed the “biggest reward” of the whole season. Liz told Jeff that her Wednesday night ritual at home was going to Applebees with her daughter and ordering a burger. Unfortunately, she struggled during the challenge while trying to get through a net crawl. It was heartbreaking to watch.

Q emerged as the leader very early on, and ended up being the victor after landing a small sandbag onto an elevated platform. He ended up choosing Tiff to go with him to enjoy the Applebees reward. He was tasked to choose another person, and Liz began begging because one of the few things she was able to eat with all of her food allergies was an Applebees burger. He chose Maria as the next person to join him instead. Liz broke down in tears, audibly sobbing.

“Liz hasn’t eaten in almost 18 days. This is something that she could potentially eat,” Q said when addressing Liz’s outburst. Surprisingly, he ended up choosing Kenzie as the final person to come on the reward instead of Liz. Liz began screaming at the top of her lungs at her fellow contestants. “Q, you almost blew up my whole game,” she screamed. “You overshadowed everything I tried to do … I don’t even want to be around y’all.”

Liz then apologized to her fellow players after she “exploded.” She said that her anger stemmed from not eating since the merge and having zero calories in her system. Back at camp, it became clear that Q was still on everyone’s radar to go home next. But in the most shocking turn of events, nobody at the Applebees reward ate the delicious-looking burger! The burger truly had more air time than most of the contestants during episode 10.

Survivor episode 10 recap
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Who Won the Immunity Challenge?

Charlie ended up winning individual immunity for the second episode in a row. The immunity challenge was very high-stakes but he has definitely emerged as quite a competition beast. In the challenge, the players had to hold onto a handle attached to a bucket, which contained 25% of their pregame body weight. But before the challenge even kicked off, Jeff asked the players if anyone wanted to sit out in an attempt to earn a bag of rice for the tribe. Liz decided to sit out of the challenge in exchange for an individual portion of rice.

Everyone else decided to compete as Liz shook her jar of rice around with a smile on her face. Venus, Ben, Q, Kenzie and Maria all dropped their buckets as the fatigue set in. It turned into a showdown between Charlie and Tiff. Out of nowhere, Tiff dropped her bucket, making Charlie the winner.

Who Went Home in Episode 10 of ‘Survivor’ Season 46?

It was Tiff who was blindsided and eliminated at tribal council in episode 10. It marked the second week in a row where a player went home with a hidden immunity idol in their pocket. Q once again survived another tribal with all odds and three votes against him.

How did it all happen? Just when we thought we knew the clear target during the episode, we were once again thrown into absolute chaos at camp. Tiff deemed Q as an “easy vote” and questioned whether or not someone was going to make a big move to shake things up. Maria tried to continue to push the idea of getting rid of Tiff. She decided it was best to approach Q and tell him of her plan. He was fully on board, and so were Charlie and Ben.

Maria approached Liz with caution, considering her Applebees outburst and personal beef with Q. It became obvious that Liz’s vote was the one that mattered most at tribal. As the players entered tribal council, Kenzie accidentally burned some of her hair off with her torch, scaring all of the players around her and Jeff. But, the longtime host is a firm believer that the show must go on, even after a huge WTF moment like that! Overall, we’re sad to see Tiff go. But, it was a great strategic move for Maria to add to her resume.

“If there’s any way to go out on Survivor, it’s a blindside,” Tiff said in her goodbye message at the end of the episode.