Tana Mongeau is apologizing for her past racist comments. After former friend Kahlen Barry opened up about his experiences with her and fans resurfaced her controversial old tweets, the Tana Turns 21 star is attempting to make amends for her “ignorant” statements — and for her recent “silence” when asked to address them. On Sunday, June 21, she took to Twitter to clear the air and address her behavior.

“First, I’d like to apologize to Kahlen directly for my silence, there are no excuses,” Mongeau, 21, wrote. “I should have talked and listened to you. Instead, I’ve been trying to find the words to address this and apologize in a way that … won’t further hurt [anyone], and educate myself on how to handle this properly. I am so sorry that came with any silence. But I am taking responsibility for all of my actions in the past. I know I am an adult. There are no excuses for my behavior, and I know that. I have done my BEST to educate myself and grow as a person from who I was in the past.”

The MTV star explained she knows “educating” herself about racism and anti-racism isn’t enough and accepted that she has to “take accountability” for her past actions in order to grow. Calling her tweets “unacceptable” and “disgusting,” she expressed her remorse for ever thinking they were funny and promised she’s no longer that person. “I am so sorry to anyone who was angered by my silence,” she continued. “I should’ve instantly said this. It breaks my heart to see people say I’m only being a performative activist — I truly stand by my morals now and will continue using my platform and doing everything I can to fight for what is right and equality.”

She also acknowledged it should “never” have taken her as long as it did to issue an apology, calling her silence “inexcusable,” but explaining she wanted to “take everything in, reflect on [her] actions and truly make a plan of action to be better.” She also agreed to sign petitions, donate money and actively use her platform to further the Black Lives Matter movement. And when Barry called out the faults in her apology, she took responsibility for that, too.

Addressing a part of Mongeau’s statement where she apologized for “anything [she] ever did to make [Barry] feel that [she] was being micro-aggressive or racist,” he insisted she take further responsibility. “It’s not about what [you] did to make me feel like you were. You simply were,” he wrote. “I was hopeful for a second, but I expect more than this. … [You] wanna genuinely learn and grow? This [is your] chance to listen. A chance to really hear what I’m hurt by. To address your micro-aggressions and educate people in the process.”

Mongeau was ready to accept that challenge. “I agree 100 percent, and that is exactly what I want to do,” she responded. “I am open to listen truly forever, Kahlen. I’m messaging you.”

The stars took their conversation to their DMs — but Barry promised to keep their followers posted about their progress. It looks like the YouTubers still have some work to do.


For more information, visit BlackLivesMatter.com.

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