Please don’t hold us responsible for this trainwreck, Taylor Swift. Just days after dropping her new song, “Look What You Made Me Do,” T Swizzle debuted the music video… And, well, we most certainly did not make you do this, Tay. And we feel confident speaking for Kim and Kanye when we say that they don’t want to be held responsible for this travesty, and would very much like to be excluded from this poorly written narrative. Anyway, check out the video!!!! If you dare…

Just in case you don’t want to lose four minutes of your life… We have you covered. Allow us to break down the key points (we won’t call them “highlights”).

  • Despite insisting the video’s director Joseph Kahn insisting that she absolutely did not taking any cues from Beyoncé… Taylor one-hundo percent incited some Lemonade imagery. Not only did she channel “Formation” with those stills we saw before the video’s release, but she also swung around a baseball bat á la “Hold Up.” We see you, Tay.

  • During that “Formation”-inspired scene, the backup dancers wore “I [heart] TS” shirts. Doesn’t anyone else find it odd that she insists on keeping her private life private… But then she decides to remind us all of the moment her then-boyfriend Tom Hiddleston wore a “I [heart] TS” shirt? Seems sus.

taylor swift video personas
  • Oh, and then at the end of the video, she had the nerve to say that Kim Kardashian “edited” the receipts that exposed Taylor for the lying snake that she is. In Taylor’s defense, the ending — when she channeled all the “dead, old” Taylors was pretty much the only redeeming part of the video. Similarly, we will give her minimally credit for reclaiming snake imagery and poking fun at her “I would like to be excluded from this narrative” line. BUT NOTHING ELSE.

Anyway, if you need us, we’ll be celebrating Kanye’s big win for Best Choreography! Don’t laugh, it’s legit all we have right now… Until Kim has something to say on Snap, of course!