Talk about a bad breakup. Dakota Meyer of Teen Mom OG fame took to Instagram Live on Tuesday to defend himself against the way he feels he’s been portrayed on the MTV show, and he had some really harsh things to say about Bristol Palin — his ex — and their marriage and divorce.

dakota meyer bristol palin

In possibly the roughest comment he made in the video, according to The Ashley, Dakota talked about how his mental health has improved since Bristol moved out, and said, “When you get rid of the cancer in your life, you can go live.” Yikes! No love lost there, I guess.

Dakota also addressed recent comments Bristol has made regarding his relationship with her son, Tripp Johnston. Bristol claims that Dakota didn’t speak to Tripp as they got divorced, and that it hurt the nine-year-old boy. “He hasn’t reached out to Tripp and Tripp is crushed by it,” Palin told a producer, according to Page Six. “It breaks my heart and I’m thankful that Tripp’s dad is doing amazing.”

Dakota said in the Instagram Live video that that’s just not the case. “I never got the opportunity to [maintain my relationship with Tripp after my divorce,]” he said. “I don’t have custody of Tripp. It’s hard enough for his own dad to get to see him!” Dakota added that he can’t even contact Tripp without Bristol’s permission.

And when it comes to Bristol specifically, Dakota did not hold back about what their divorce has done for his overall well-being. He said in the Instagram Live video, according to The Ashley, that he hasn’t needed to rely on medication to treat his PTSD and other mental health concerns since the divorce. “We talk about anxiety, do you know how many shots I’ve had to get in my neck [for anxiety] lately? None,” Dakota said.

He also added, “I haven’t had to take any Ketamine. I haven’t had to take any medication…Ask me how many anxiety attacks I have had since she’s moved out? Zero! Do I need to say anything else?” he added.

Obviously, mental health is about a lot more than the relationships people who are struggling have in their lives, but Dakota clearly feels that being married to Bristol was not helping matters for him. This is one couple that is probably a lot happier, and healthier, apart.